
Showing posts from 2018 - 1 Thessalonians 5:21-22

Verse of the Day But test everything; hold fast what is good. Abstain from every form of evil. 1 Thessalonians 5:21-22 - ESV Settings | Unsubscribe

🌟 [10 Hours Left] 25% off EVERYTHING until midnight tonight! 🌟

Stock up for January! Shop our End of Year Sale and Save 25% with Code NY25 at Checkout Indulge a little too much over the holidays? Help is here! You see, today we're going to give you a surprise 25% OFF EXTENDED through midnight tonight to help you get back on track for the new year and to thank you for being such a valued BioTrust subscriber! Yes, 25% OFF EVERYTHING for 48 hours (ends at midnight on 12/30/18 12/31/18)! A tremendously huge discount -- but hurry, the clock is ticking! The time to stock up for January is  now. The coupon code to use: NY25 To save until midnight tonight, start your order with one of our premium products below and then use the menus of the site to add additional products to your order while getting 25% OFF everything! Again, the code to use at checkout for a whopping 25%...

10 Things Your Husband Really Doesn't Like

  I don't know a single wife who doesn't sometimes do things her husband doesn't like. I hope I don't sound too harsh today; I just know how easy it is to slip into a disrespectful attitude that morphs into ugly treatment of those we love most. I’m challenging all of us to set aside any of these things that are a common tendency in marriage. Common, but so destructive. And they are so “not” God glorifying! The reason for this blunt po Daily Bible Living   Newsletters          Bible Reading Plans          Bible Study ...

Verse of the Day - NIV - Monday, December 31, 2018

One inspirational Bible verse each day from in the New International Version NIV Verse of the Day   Newsletters          Bible Reading Plans          Bible Study       ...

🎆 EXTENDED for 24 Hours! 25% off EVERYTHING - Ends at Midnight Tonight 🎆

Stock up for January! Shop our End of Year Sale and Save 25% with Code NY25 at Checkout Indulge a little too much over the holidays? Help is here! You see, today we're going to give you a surprise 25% OFF EXTENDED through midnight tonight to help you get back on track for the new year and to thank you for being such a valued BioTrust subscriber! Yes, 25% OFF EVERYTHING for 48 hours (ends at midnight on 12/30/18 12/31/18)! A tremendously huge discount -- but hurry, the clock is ticking! The time to stock up for January is  now. The coupon code to use: NY25 To save until midnight tonight, start your order with one of our premium products below and then use the menus of the site to add additional products to your order while getting 25% OFF everything! Again, the code to use at checkout for a whopping 25%...