what coffee, alcohol & bananas do to your blood pressure

Are these foods negatively affecting your blood pressure?
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High blood pressure is a controversial topic... for one, most doctors and the media have told you for decades to reduce your salt intake. However, recent studies show that reducing sodium doesn't necessarily improve blood pressure. In fact, going TOO low on salt can actually HARM your health.

What about coffee and alcohol...do they harm or help your blood pressure? What about fruit?

And the most common prescription meds for high blood pressure can also cause nasty side effects and even weight GAIN... not fun :(

To get to the bottom of all of this, my good friends Catherine Ebeling and Mike Geary put together a brand-new 37-page free report on everything you NEED to know about lowering your blood pressure naturally, and getting off of those dangerous meds for good!

Download your free copy of this shocking report today in only a few seconds, while it's still available here:

>> The Natural Blood Pressure "Fix" -- Free Report (lower your blood pressure, boost your energy, lose fat easier, and more)

This is your chance to get off of those dangerous prescriptions that are causing side effects and even weight gain, and lower your blood pressure in the most natural and healthy way.

To your health,



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