3 Reasons the Women of Easter Deserve Our Applause and Imitation

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3 Reasons the Women of Easter Deserve Our Applause and Imitation
Stacey Monaco

Courage and deep-rooted confidence was exhibited by each one of these women as they stood in the face of stark adversity and the death of their deepest longing and hope. They believed they had found the promised Savior, but the events of that first Easter gave them every reason to be overwhelmed with fear and doubt.

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10 Refreshing Ways to Renew Your Quiet Time with God
Lori Hatcher

In difficult or distracting times, our 'spiritual temperature' drops. We grow stiff and lethargic...losing desire to spend time in God's Word and with God's people. We're less likely to give and serve. Here are 10 ways to renew your quiet time with God and get your spiritual blood pumping again.

5 Reasons to Share Vulnerable Stories with Your Grandchildren
Linda Gilden

Why should we open up and be vulnerable with our grandkids? Understanding the ups and downs of life will give them confidence in following the example of their grandparents.

5 Things about Palm Sunday That Remind Us Christ Is King
Debbie McDaniel

In this Holy Week, may God direct our thoughts and attention towards what matters most, Jesus Christ our King...

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