5 Verses You Thought Were in the Bible... but Aren't

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5 Verses You Thought Were in the Bible... but Aren't
Inside BST

What phrases do people think are in the Bible but really aren't? Here are 5!

How to Love Your Enemy amongst Today's Cultural Unrest
Jason Soroski

In such a climate, where is the love of Christ among brothers and sisters?  What does that kind of love look like in an increasingly angry and distrustful world? How do we show this love to those who openly mock and shun what we know to be true? What about those who claim to believe what we believe and then attack as soon as things 'get political'?

How Can I Overcome My Worry and Anxiety?
Dr. Roger Barrier

My friends and family call me a "worry wart." I have to agree with them. Can you help me overcome my anxieties so that I'm not so miserable?

Why Do So Many Women Show Off Cleavage in Church?
John UpChurch

Does the church have a "cleavage problem"? A trending article makes the case that we do...

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