Just sprinkle This in tea? (balances blood sugar All day)

A scoop of vanilla ice cream with caramel syrup…

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Hot apple pie fresh out of the oven…


A scoop of vanilla ice cream with caramel syrup…




Oh boy – I could eat it all.




My blood sugar would launch faster than a Six Flags roller coaster… and I'd surely feel miserable the rest of the day.


Look - can I be honest with you?


Seeing other folk's stuff their face with dessert can feel like torture if you've got blood sugar problems.


While you're nibbling on salad like a rabbit…


THEY get to enjoy yummy baked goods.


It's just NOT fair.


So I'm going to let you in on a tiny secret – 


There's a little-known way to keep your blood sugar levels anchored… EVEN while eating cheat meals like your mom's special pasta or that pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks.




Just sprinkle THIS in tea. 


It will stabilize your blood sugar throughout the day…


So you don't have to feel left out when family and friends are chowing down on those forbidden carbs. 


Watch the brief video below for the easy recipe… and let me know what you think :)



To your health,

P.S. Nancy Manoly, aged 62 tried this trick and wrote in to say "I was diagnosed with Type II diabetes about a year ago. I didn't think it'd work… but after trying this, I've basically reversed my diabetes!" Here's how she did it…

~Center Of Strength


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