Sending you 3 free bottles of Moringa (address needed)

More recently scientists have discovered just how powerful it really is in boosting your immunity.

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Today I'm excited to share the "plant of the year" with you...

That's what the National Institutes of Health have called Moringa, and it's not everyday that a government agency actually promotes a "natural" health solution.

Never heard of Moringa?

That's ok, most people haven't.

Even though it's been used extensively in ancient medical practices like Ayurvedic medicine for over 4,000 years...

More recently scientists have discovered just how powerful it really is in boosting your immunity.

Check this out:

Moringa has been given an ORAC score of 157,000.

What the heck is that, you might ask?

Well, the ORAC Score is the (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity).

It's a method developed by scientists at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to measure the antioxidant capacity of different foods.

The higher the number the better.

And to put that score into perspective...

Here are the ORAC scores of a few of the most highly touted antioxidant rich superfoods.

  • Garlic - 5,708
  • Blueberries - 9,621
  • Dark Chocolate - 20,816

As you can see, none of them even comes close to Moringa's score.

And just a single dose of Moringa has...

  • 200% more protein than yogurt
  • 400% more vitamin A than carrots
  • 300% more potassium than bananas
  • 400% more calcium than cow's milk
  • 700% more vitamin C than oranges
  • 4800% more vitamin B than Kale

And today, my friend Cody wants to give you 3 bottles for free!

He has your order all ready to go...he just needs to hear back from you!

So if you want to revitalize & boost your immune system...

Then Moringa is the ultimate answer for you.

>> Claim Your 3 Free Bottles Today

Yours in good health,


~Healthier Bone

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