Boom! You'r email address is a Winner!


Hi there,

You might wanna go buy a lottery ticket,... cause today’s your lucky day.

Your email address – just got picked to receive a FREE 375 sq. foot mosquito repellent lamp from our friends at Bug Blaster!

How did you get picked to win this Free?


The folks at Bug Blaster had a few extras of their popular repellent lamp in their warehouse…

So we convinced them to let us hand out those extras FREE.

To keep things fair, we put everybody’s email addresses in a “virtual hat” – and picked winners at random.

Normally USD139.…

It’s yours for FREE today – since you just won it. :)

All you have to do is confirm your info at the link below, cover s&h, and your complimentary Bug Blaster Repellent lamp should arrive in a few business days.

You must claim your Free Bug Blaster within 4 hours if you want it though…

Otherwise, we’ll simply assume you weren’t interested, and pick another eligible winner to receive your free lamp.

So click here to claim your FREE Bug Blaster – before it goes to someone else!



Because everyone loves gifts!
~ The Survival Gift

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