Verse of the Day - NIV - Wednesday, March 29, 2023

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Verse of the Day

March 29

Numbers 14:19

19 In accordance with your great love, forgive the sin of these people, just as you have pardoned them from the time they left Egypt until now."


What Happens When We Think Precious Thoughts about Jesus
Lianna Davis

Our minds need to be changed and transformed when we first come to know Christ. But the more and harder we seek after Him, the greater the transformation we see in our minds. 


​When You Tell Yourself, "I Can't Help Myself" - Girlfriends in God - March 29, 2023

"I can't help myself?" Don't believe a word of it. God has given you everything you need to make right choices through the power of the Holy Spirit.

10 Ways to Hear from God Regularly
Whitney Hopler

God is constantly speaking to people. But too often, they miss out on hearing God's messages because they seek His guidance only when they're going through a crisis or facing a major decision.



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