Secret banking attack launched against Christians

The damage that will be done will be unrepairable...

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The Evil Establishment hates Christians, conservatives, and all patriots living in the US alike, and now they're coming for your money!

This really is the final war on Christians.

The Evil Establishment wants to control every aspect of your life, from brainwashing your child's mind, to what you're allowed to eat, and now they want to track everything you buy!

It will be invasive, restrictive and downright evil.

Preventing you from enjoying all those simple things in life that any good Christian deserves.

Anyone who's not paying attention to what's going on right now will be blindsided with the most rude awakening you can imagine once this comes to pass.

The damage that will be done will be unrepairable.

The freedom you once used to enjoy will be a thing of the past.

The Evil Establishment will pat themselves on the back that their diabolical, twisted plans came to pass.

You need to resist this evil force.

If you react quickly, before it happens you could preserve your wealth with this Banking loophole here.


Tom McHugh

Never Seen - Never Forgotten


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