The #1 Mistake That Makes Bad Knees Worse

Harvard research shows some foods can accelerate inflammation in your body...
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We all know some foods are "bad" for us...

We know Krispy Kremes pack on the pounds...

And we know eating too many double-bacon cheeseburgers is bad for your heart...

But when's the last time you heard your doctor say...

"Put down that Big Mac. It's bad for your JOINTS!"

Probably never!

But here's the thing:

Just like fast food is bad for your heart...🙅🏻

Harvard research shows some foods can accelerate inflammation in your body... and might be making your joint problems even worse.

Which foods?

Here is Harvard's list:

  • Refined carbohydrates, such as white bread and pastries
  • Fried foods like french fries and fried chicken
  • Sugars in soda, candy, and processed foods.
  • Processed meat (hot dogs, sausage)
  • Unhealthy fats such as margarine, shortening, and lard

Now, some doctors might tell you to avoid these foods... but I'm not.

Why? Because it's not realistic to completely avoid every food on the list.

For example, 75% of the foods in your grocery store contain sugar.

75% of foods!

That means if you close your eyes and pick a random box of food off the shelf... it's probably packed with sugar.

No wonder so many people suffer with joint issues that won't go away.

It's impossible to avoid sugar while still living a normal life.

Listen, please try your best to eat less sugar and fast food. That's just common sense.

But you can't avoid sugar forever. So I wouldn't even try.


I do have some good news.

My team and I found a way to reduce the negative effects of inflammatory foods like sugar... without swearing off your favorite foods for the rest of your life.

Just do this during your first meal of the day.

It's a simple ritual proven to help fight off excess inflammation caused by all the sugar, fat, and refined carbs in our diet.

The best part? It takes just 7 seconds... and you can even do it while you're sitting on the toilet.

Click the link below to put this ritual to work on your inflamed joints:

==> Do This ONCE DAILY To Fight Inflammation And Keep Your Joints Healthy

To Your Health,


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