Geary Coconut/Veggie_Coconut oil vs Olive oil vs Avocado oil

The #1 Veggie To AVOID
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You may have heard that processed vegetable oils (aka seed oils) such as corn oil, soybean oil, cottonseed oil, sunflower oil, and canola oil are extremely dangerous to your health, cause inflammatory diseases, a massive increase in harmful free radicals, damage DNA, cause weight gain, and are proven to increase your risk of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

But what about the healthier oils like olive, avocado and coconut, and their benefits, risks, and differences? Check out today's featured article from our friend and Nutrition expert Catherine...

Coconut oil vs. Avocado oil vs. Olive oil (forward this email to your friends who don't realize how dangerous vegetable oils are)

Quiz: The #1 Veggie To AVOID (causes weight gain, saps energy & harms your gut)

A: Broccoli
B: Corn
C: Kale
D: Spinach

E: Other

Make your selection above or click here to skip straight to the answer.

==> Click Here To Discover The #1 Veggie To Avoid


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