Harvard & UCLA Reveal #1 Best Fruit for Improving Memory

#1 science-backed fruit for reversing memory loss...
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If your memory isn't as sharp as it used to be… or if you're having more embarrassing "senior moments"…

A NEW landmark study from Harvard Medical School, UCLA, and Cornell University has revealed that reversing age-related memory loss depends on improving blood circulation to your brain.

As you age, blood flow to your brain can dry up by as much as 26%.

This starves your brain cells of vital nutrients, oxygen, and energy – causing more than 32,000 brain cells to die every second.

What's worse, this can SHRINK your hippocampus – which is the "memory center" of your brain.

In fact, the researchers studying the aging brains of seniors found that the smaller their hippocampus was, the faster their memory declined!

But here's the good news…

One leading doctor on brain health has found an easy way to boost blood flow to your brain – by making a few simple changes to your daily regimen.

So here's a quick 3-second pop quiz for you:

What's the #1 science-backed fruit for reversing memory loss and mental decline?

Is it…

A. Blueberries
B. Watermelon

C. Strawberry
D. Mango
E. Avocado

(Click on the answer you think is right.)

Let me give you a hint: it's NOT avocado or blueberries.

The answer's tricky.

Find out the #1 fruit for reversing age-related memory loss.

click here to watch video

To your health!


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