Announcing The Pilgrims Progress Movie and Storybook

Get an Exclusive Free Pilgrim's Progress Illustrated Storybook or movie tickets!
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Help Launch The Pilgrim's Progress Movie and Choose Your Reward!

Salem Media Group is proud to partner with RevelationMedia in announcing the release ofThe Pilgrim's Progress movie in theaters Easter 2019!

Thousands of copies of The Pilgrim's Progress are already being sent, and the free digital version is  spreading even more quickly! There is still time to get one for your family! Plus tickets to see the movie in theaters are already being purchased!

After three years in the making, we are excited to bring the second most influential story of all time to theaters throughout the United States and straight to the mission field!

For a limited time, you can receive a free digital download of our new illustrated storybook based on the movie. Make a tax-deductible donation (of any amount) and we will also send you a hardcover edition for FREE or two tickets to see the movie at a theater of your choice!

Click Here For Your Free Download

Your contribution will be used to help bring the film to as many theaters as possible throughout the United States and to begin translation and distribution to the mission field. Mission workers in China, Africa, India, Nepal, and other countries have viewed parts of the movie and are begging for the final version in their respective languages, as it will encourage the Christians and be used to evangelize the lost!

Help us launch The Pilgrim's Progress animated movie and receive your free full-color, illustrated storybook containing many of the imaginative scenes, colorful characters, and classic quotes presented in the movie.

Help Support The Pilgrim's Progress

Mission workers have so little quality content to share on the mission field. With up to 40 new Christian films coming out each year in America, it's time to make one purposely for the global missions community. The Pilgrim's Progress is that film!
Your support allows us to show the film in theaters across the U.S. AND bring the film straight to the mission field, simultaneously. Contribute any amount today and be the first to receive your free hardcover edition of our new illustrated storybook based on the film. A $24.99 value.

Click here to donate and receive The Pilgrim's Progress Illustrated Storybook or tickets to the movie for FREE! 
A great gift for your children or grandchildren!
Thank you and God Bless!

Donate now to receive your FREE Illustrated Storybook!

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