4500% Better Than Turmeric



Hi, it's BioTrust medical advisor Dr. Matt Roberson and today we're going to reveal to you the exciting details of a breakthrough formula designed to provide powerful anti-aging support by helping to combat cellular aging and spark energy levels!

Best yet, today we're making it EASIER than ever to get your hands on this premium formula that combines "age-defying" antioxidants and "cell-rejuvenating" nutrients "with  HUGE discounts and FREE shipping -- all while providing the ultimate support for your mitochondria—your delicate, mission-critical, cellular energy-producing "power plants".

Let me ask you a question:

Did you know that every single second at least one person dies from an age-related condition?  What's more, research estimates that by the year 2020 the percentage of aging-related deaths will increase another 25%!

Of course, getting older doesn't happen overnight, and "Father Time" usually gives us quite a few telltale signs that he's knocking on our door. Just think, as you've gotten older…

* Have you noticed you have less energy and you're more tired overall?

* Do you feel like things you used to be able to complete without batting an eye are now more physically and mentally demanding?

* Have you noticed your stamina is a fraction of what it once was?

* Do you lack the strength and muscle tone of your youth?

* Do you experience more brain fog?

* Have you found a "good night's rest" is few and far between?

* Have you noticed that your skin doesn't quite have that youthful glow it once did?

* Do you notice that food affects you a little bit differently these days?

Simply put, do you feel like getting older has been disrupting your life, preventing you from doing the things and activities you love most?  Do you feel like you've been left to watch on the sidelines as life passes by? And even more sobering, are you concerned about losing your freedom?

How have the woes of aging affected you—how you look? How you feel? How you move?

Fact is, these common concerns and the unescapable reality of aging are no laughing matter.  Even worse, there are a host of environmental and lifestyle factors that are constantly preying on the youth of every cell of your body:

*UV rays that damage the DNA of skin cells, leading to thinning skin, sun spots, wrinkles, exaggerated expression lines, and even pervasive dryness and itching

*Stress, which sends the age-accelerating hormone cortisol into overdrive

*Mood-related issues which have been linked to as much as a decade of accelerated aging

*Lack of sleep shown to significantly shorten the length of DNA telomeres (AKA your "cellular timekeepers")

*Too much or too little exercise -- studies show that both the highly active and sedentary populations have similar age-related biomarkers as a result of too little or too much of a good thing

*Poor nutrition, leading to a lack of antioxidants and essential vitamins and minerals that fight the aging process

*Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) infiltrating our diet which have been linked to poor immune function and accelerated aging

*Excessive Omega-6 fatty acid intake – which run rampant in the American diet – has been shown to accelerate aging and significantly increase inflammation

*Highly processed carbohydrates and sugar intake which promote the formation of AGEs (Advanced Glycation End-products).  These mutated proteins have been shown to significantly accelerate cellular aging.

*Overeating, in general, which produces age-accelerating free radicals

*Alcohol consumption, which decreases the body's antioxidant activity while at the same time increasing cell-damaging free radicals – a double whammy!

*Being overweight, which by itself leads to a state of increased cell-damaging oxidative stress

*Over-the-counter and prescription medications, a good number of which have been linked to accelerated aging

*Pesticides, herbicides, pollution, and other environmental toxins have all been shown to increase the appearance of skin aging and do damage to delicate skin DNA

Simply put, the world we live in today takes what Mother Nature intended to be a much more gradual, graceful aging process full of vitality and longevity and accelerates it unfairly beyond belief.  And when you realize the constant danger the delicate cells of your body and most precious organs are continually being exposed to in today's day and age, it's no wonder that research shows the devastating physical consequences of aging are the #1 fear of adults over 40.

Maybe you can relate…

*Are you worried about looking significantly older than your actual age?

*Does the thought of losing your freedom scare you?

*Are you frustrated with having to navigate through brain fog?

*Do you dread the idea of not being able to keep up with the people who matter most to you?

*Are you tired of feeling tired?

*Do you fear the moody "blues" that seem to be so common with accelerated aging?

It all sounds very overwhelming, and it is. The fortunate news, however, is that you CAN do something you about it, and you can start by addressing those critical lifestyle and environmental factors listed above. 

Even better, you can help support your anti-aging defenses with Ageless Body®, which combines cell-rejuvenating "super nutrients" with age-defying antioxidants -- a premium formula carefully crafted to provide powerful support for…

**Combating cellular aging

**Healthy mitochondria

**Smooth, glowing skin

**Youthful appearance and vibrancy

**Upbeat mood

**Sharp brain and cognitive function

**High energy

**A healthy immune system

**And more!

And it does it all while supporting the health and endurance of one of the most important aging biomarkers ever discovered – the length of your "cellular timekeepers", known as telomeres.

But how exactly does Ageless Body® provide such powerful anti-aging, cell-rejuvenating support?  In order to understand that, we first have to understand WHY we age, and there are 3 major root causes…

1. Degradation of your "cellular timekeepers", known as telomeres.  Telomeres are the "protective caps" at the end of each strand of cellular DNA that control aging.  In fact, telomeres are so critically important to aging that some within the medical community believe that protecting the length of your telomeres could very well be a molecular "fountain of youth", and for good reason.

You see, every day the cells in your body divide as many as 2 trillion times.  Old cells die, and the body replaces them with a duplicate.  While these new cells are indeed duplicates, like a photocopied image they are slightly less perfect than the original.  What's more, a 2009 Nobel Prize-winning discovery revealed that with each cell division, it's the telomeres (those protective caps at the end of DNA) that are slightly degraded and over time become significantly reduced in size.  Think of the protective plastic tips at the end of your shoe laces.  When those deteriorate, the entire shoe lace unravels.  It's the same thing with your telomeres and the delicate cells of your body.  Worse yet, as your telomeres degrade and shorten, your body ages more rapidly.

The cold, hard truth is this:  As aging accelerates and telomeres get shorter and shorter, cells can no longer replicate, at which point they become "senescent." Simply put, "cellular senescence is not just an effect of getting older; it's the reason we age. In simple terms, telomere shortening is the "cellular senescence biomarker of choice," and more importantly, telomere length is a reflection of your body age—no matter how many candles are on your birthday cake.

But it's not all bad news…  You see, this same breakthrough research also shows that if you can boost the health of your telomeres and keep them from degrading and shortening, you can dramatically slow the aging process and add many high-quality, vivacious and productive years to your life!

This means that even when your chronological age goes up, your cells stay young and vibrant!  We've all seen a 50-year-old man or woman who doesn't look a day past 40 and other 50-year-olds who look like they could easily pass for 65.  As the old adage goes, your actual age is just a number – what's of prime importance, however, is your cellular age, or how old (or young) your body looks, feels, performs, and functions.

The primary enzyme responsible for keeping telomeres strong, healthy and long is called telomerase.  And even better, you'll be happy to know that the key cell-rejuvenating ingredients in Ageless Body® support healthy telomerase activity and help provide protection for the

body's cellular timekeepers—your telomeres!

2. Progressive death, over time, to your body's main "power source", your mitochondria.  Mitochondria are the power plants of our body's cells.  Simply put, a dense network of efficient mitochondria is mission-critical to our ability to live, breathe, move, be energetic, and live life to the fullest.

As we get older, however, mitochondria decrease in number, by as much as 50%!  Not only that, but the mitochondria that remain only work at 50% of their original capacity! With only half the "power lines" operating at 50% capacity, there isn't nearly as much energy pumping to your joints, heart, brain, lungs, and immune system.  In the end, your ability to live, breathe, move, and be energetic is severely compromised.

Fortunately, Ageless Body® was also specifically formulated to support mitochondria health, performance, and function, giving you the ultimate support to help combat this seemingly unavoidable source of accelerated aging.

3. Free radical exposure and resulting oxidative damage (i.e. the "rusting" of your body's cells).  One of the main causes of cellular aging is free radicals, also known as "pro-oxidants". Essentially, free radicals are energy-deficient molecules that aim to seek and destroy healthy cells, stealing their energy and livelihood.  If you've ever seen metal rust or an apple or avocado turn brown after you cut them, you've witnessed oxidative stress at work.  This same "rusting" happens within the cells of your body when exposed to excessive oxidative stress, which can come from a variety of sources (some unsuspecting), such as the sun (UV exposure), pollution, heavy metals, and even many positive stressors like exercise and simply breathing.

Bottom line, there are simply way too many oxidative villains in modern living, and unless you proactively do something to support your body's natural antioxidant defense networks against these youth-robbing free radicals, chances are the scales will tip deeply in favor of accelerated, unhealthy aging

Enter anti-oxidants, AKA your "cellular bodyguards".  These generous Good Samaritans selflessly donate their energy so that the health of your cells is spared.  In the end, your cells stay youthful, energetic, and full of vitality.  And because antioxidants are so critically important to combating the aging process, we made certain to include several of the most well-known age-defying antioxidants known to man in Ageless Body®, so be sure to stay tuned.

The bottom line is this: with progressively shortening telomeres, poor mitochondrial health and function, and ongoing oxidative stress being caused at such an accelerated rate by our 21st century lifestyles, it's no wonder why the world's population is aging faster than ever before.

And maybe you can relate to some of these "typical" signs of getting older, which, let's face it, STINK…

**Your skin just doesn't have the healthy glow it once had

**Your joints just don't feel like they used to

**You just don't have the muscle strength, stamina, or tone you had in your youth

**Your energy levels are just a fraction of what they were before

**You're not as quick-witted as you once were

**You get hit a bit harder by the changes in seasons

**You feel blue and moody a bit more these days

**Your metabolism is sluggish at best

**You feel old and think you look old too

If any of those things sound all too familiar, I want you to know that you CAN do something to address all 3 root causes of degenerative cellular aging. For example, you can make sure you're getting good-quality rest daily, exercising intensely (and intelligently), fasting periodically, and experimenting with hot and cold therapy. Even more, we carefully and thoughtfully designed Ageless Body® to provide unparalleled anti-aging and mitochondria support to help combat cellular aging and spark cellular energy levels.

The first age-defying super nutrient I'm excited to share with you today is a multi-patented form of the revolutionary eastern herb Ashwagandha known as Sensoril®. Ashwagandha is the famous "feel good" herb used in India for over 5,000 years to promote healthy stress levels, boost mood and stamina, support a healthy brain, and promote healthy sleep.

Sensoril Ashwagandha contains only the purest, most powerful bioactive constituents—making it one of the most clinically-tested and highest-rated Ashwagandha extracts available. Ashwagandha, which is prized for its rejuvenating and energizing effects, not only supports mitochondrial function, it also helps increase stress resilience and lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol.

In fact, in a randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled study published in the Journal of the American Nutraceutical Association, Dr. Auddy and his colleagues found that 130 middle-aged men and women supplementing with 125mg of Sensoril® daily for 60 days experienced dramatic improvements in numerous age-related biomarkers, including:

*Dramatically lower cortisol levels (among the myriad negative effects of unhealthy levels of cortisol is accelerated telomere shortening)
*Significantly higher DHEA levels (an critical biomarker for optimal male and female sex hormone production)
*Notable improvements in sleeplessness, psychological stress, and quality of sleep

The second anti-aging nutrient stand-out I have to tell you about is called CurcuWIN® enhanced turmeric extract, which offers significantly greater absorption and longer lasting action than ordinary curcumin.  You see, the "active" anti-aging ingredients found in turmeric are known as curcuminoids, which are powerful antioxidants.  The best known curcuminoid, of course, is curcumin, which has been shown to seek and destroy damaging free radicals, lower oxidative stress, slow telomere degradation, and reduce levels of numerous key biomarkers associated with accelerated aging!

There's a BIG PROBLEM, though -- most curcumin/turmeric extracts currently available as supplements elsewhere may provide very little benefit to you, if any at all. That's because curcumin has very poor solubility and extremely poor "absorbability" in your body. For example, recent research suggests it could take more than FORTY 250mg capsules of standard curcumin daily to obtain its powerful age-defying health benefits.  I don't know about you, but I don't want to take 40+ capsules of anything daily!

Enter CurcuWIN®…which is specially formulated to overcome this "absorbability" issue through a patented process. In a well-controlled human clinical trial—the first curcumin study of its kind—comparing a variety of commercially-available curcumin products, CurcuWIN® increased the absorption of total curcuminoids 46 TIMES greater compared to standard curcumin. That's an astonishing 4500% relative difference, plus the study found that, with CurcuWIN®, levels of curcuminoids remained elevated in the body for longer periods of time.

Not only that, but patented CurcuWIN® is free of toxins, many other turmeric and curcumin products contain the highly toxic solvent EDC, a known carcinogen that stays active in the body for more than 100 years!

In fact, recent research published in Integrative Medicine discovered that many turmeric/curcumin products contained as much as 1,728 TIMES MORE toxic EDC than the established the safety limit of this known cancer-causing agent!  Yikes!  But with CurcuWIN®, you get peace of mind knowing that this premium extract is completely free of EDC and other toxins while providing the age-defying power of the ancient turmeric spice.

Speaking of which, with thousands of studies providing evidence of its health properties, curcumin is considered one of the best researched botanicals in the biomedical literature. For example, research has shown that curcumin provides powerful support for antioxidant protection, cognitive function, joint health, carbohydrate metabolism, physical performance and recovery, skin health, digestive health, and not surprisingly, healthy aging.

Our third age-defying superhero included in this anti-aging all-star formula is Setria® glutathione.  You see, glutathione is considered the body's "master antioxidant" as it helps protect the cells throughout the body (in the skin, hair, nails, muscles, bones, organs, and even immune cells, for example) from the damaging effects of oxidative stress and toxins. But glutathione is not just any antioxidant. Also known as the "key survival antioxidant," glutathione helps fight off free radicals, support healthy immune function, promote detoxification, and more.

But like many other important biomarkers, the body's natural glutathione levels can be depleted by factors like poor diet, pollution, stress, and simply getting older, and that can have a profound negative effect on the health of virtually every cell of the body.

On top of that, due to its poor bioavailability, the only way to previously benefit from supplemental glutathione was via intravenous administration…extremely time consuming, inconvenient, painful, and even more costly!

But with Setria® glutathione, that all changed.  You see, through a proprietary patented fermentation process, Setria® glutathione, a unique, ORAL tripeptide form of glutathione, has been clinically shown to raise blood glutathione levels. In a recently-published human clinical trial, researchers found that daily supplementation with 1,000mg/day of Setria® for 60 days resulted in a 35% increase in glutathione levels in red blood cells.

Quite simply put, this is powerful evidence that Setria® glutathione effectively increases the body's stores of the "master antioxidant" and empowers the body's natural defense network, and this is critical because glutathione is a vital antioxidant and a natural detoxifier.

This means glutathione helps shield the cells and mitochondria from potentially damaging free radicals and toxins, and it also means that this key antioxidant can also help provide telomere protection. Even more, glutathione is also essential for healthy immune function, and it may even help brighten skin and help restore that "youthful glow."

For the true anti-aging power of glutathione don't fall victim to imposter glutathione supplements that have NOT been shown to positively impact actual body levels of this critically important antioxidant.  Instead, turn to Setria® Glutathione, a unique oral form of glutathione that has been shown to effectively raise the body's stores of glutathione.

Super age-defying nutrient #4 is Coenzyme Q10 (better known as CoQ10).  This all-star antioxidant is a critically important component of healthy mitochondria function, the power plants of our body's cells.  As mentioned, the more energy-efficient the mitochondria are, the younger and healthier we feel.

As we get older, however, mitochondria decrease in both number and efficiency, by as much as 50%, dramatically decreasing the energy pumping to your joints, heart, brain, lungs, and immune system.

Even more, the body's levels of CoQ10 can be cut in half with age, making supplementation a must for anyone looking to maintain their mitochondrial health – one of the 3 major root causes of aging!

And finally, the 5th premium anti-aging powerhouse in the Ageless Body® arsenal is a unique form of Vitamin C, which has been "buffered" with magnesium to help alleviate the GI distress commonly associated with Vitamin C supplementation. In other words, you get the "good" without the "bad."

Not only that, Vitamin C, which is one of the most widely recognized antioxidants, helps protect against external skin damage (known as "photoaging") and helps support the body's production of collagen, which plays a tremendous role in firm, healthy skin and joint health.

Further, Vitamin C deficiency has been directly associated with shorter telomere length, while higher intakes are associated with longer telomeres and increased cellular health.

Simply put, unlike inferior products that only attempt to address one aspect of cellular aging (sometimes with potentially toxic ingredients), Ageless Body® offers powerful triple-action age-defying support to:

1. Protect the body's cellular timekeepers, the telomeres. This means supporting young and vibrant cells even when your chronological age goes up!

2. Boost mitochondria health, performance, and function to keep you feeling youthful, energetic, and full of vitality.

3. Combat free radicals through powerful antioxidants.  These are the "cellular bodyguards" that ultimately keep you feeling AND looking young, lively, and vivacious.

In the end, the cell-rejuvenating, age-defying, research-backed ingredients found in Ageless Body® provide powerful support for:

**Combating cellular aging

**Healthy mitochondria

**Smooth, glowing skin

**Youthful appearance and vibrancy 

**Upbeat mood

**Sharp brain and cognitive function

**High energy

**A healthy immune system

**And more!

And again, Ageless Body® offers powerful age-defying support for the health of one of the most important aging biomarkers ever discovered – the length of your "cellular timekeepers", your telomeres.

Even more, through its cell-rejuvenating ingredients and age-defying antioxidants, Ageless Body® helps provide support against many of the "typical" signs of getting older that often concern people…

**Skin that doesn't have the healthy glow it once had

**Joints that don't feel like they used to

**Muscles that lack the strength, stamina, or tone of yesteryear

**Energy levels are just a fraction of what they were before

**Brain fog

**Feeling moody

**A sluggish metabolism

**Feeling older

Instead, Ageless Body® helps provide the ultimate support for a body that looks, feels, and acts young, vibrant, and energetic.

To try this premium anti-aging support formula for yourself, simply click on the link below and select your money saving package right now. Plus, t
his 22% discount is in addition to our already discounted bundle packs, giving you the opportunity to save up to 33% OFF the one bottle price with code AGELESS22 at checkout.

==> Take an additional 22% OFF Ageless Body® when you order today  (use code AGELESS22 at checkout)

And of course, like with all BioTrust products, you're always protected by our industry-best 60-Day Satisfaction Guarantee, where you can get a refund of even empty bottles if for any reason you aren't satisfied -- up to 60 days after securing your order today! 

Are we crazy?  No, we're just so incredibly confident that you will be that satisfied with Ageless Body®, and we want to make it one of the easiest decisions you've ever made to try this premium formula without delay.

Act now to secure your savings on this premium anti-aging support supplement! Again, t
his 22% discount is in addition to our already discounted bundle packs, giving you the opportunity to save up to 33% OFF the one bottle price with code AGELESS22 at checkout.

==> Take an additional 22% OFF Ageless Body® when you order today  (use code AGELESS22 at checkout)

To your ultimate health and longevity!

Dr. Matt

Dr. Matt Roberson, M.D.
Lead BioTrust Medical Advisor

  This email was sent to gfernandez.0421.inside@blogger.com by support@biotrustnews.com

BioTRUST Nutrition, LLC, 111 Congress Ave; Suite 400, Austin, TX 78701


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