3 Types of Intimacy in Marriage (and Tips for Rekindling It!)

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3 Types of Intimacy in Marriage (and Tips for Rekindling It!)
Heather Riggleman

Usually when couples feel disconnected from one another, the root of the problem is intimacy. Spiritual, emotional, and physical intimacy is the thread that ties couples together. Even if it fades, God has given us ways to rekindle it again.

10 Sure Signs You Need to Make Time for Yourself
Lindsey Brady

Maybe you're thinking you already take a lot of time for yourself, that you're doing fine. However, in my experience, even the people taking time for themselves aren't taking enough. Before you assume you're in the clear, look out for these 10 sure signs you need to make more time for yourself.

Why the Pew and the Pulpit Are Guilty of Idolatry
Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

When you think of idolatry, we often think of worshipping idols. However, idolatry can also be when you exalt people to places they do not belong or when you place your loyalty to the person ahead of loyalty to God. Here are two instances of this from the New Testament.

What Did Jesus Say about End Times?
Dr. Roger Barrier

Jesus has much to say to us about end times. It's all right for us to shout something back to him! Why wait? Take a moment and get down on your knees and join the millions who one day will shout in unison, "Jesus Christ is Lord!"

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