What Did Jesus Say about End Times?

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What Did Jesus Say about End Times?
Dr. Roger Barrier

Jesus has much to say to us about end times. It's all right for us to shout something back to him! Why wait? Take a moment and get down on your knees and join the millions who one day will shout in unison, "Jesus Christ is Lord!"

How to Be a Saltier Christian
Amber Ginter

It doesn't take a lot to strike a match, start a wildfire, enhance a dish, or ruin it. Similarly, the salt and light we offer to the world as representations of Jesus don't take a lot, but they can transform entire stories.

5 Reasons Christians Need to Be Better Tippers
Hope Bolinger

Our tipping habits are part of our testimony to the world about who God is. Let's consider 5 reasons why Christians should be active in changing our reputation and become great tippers.

10 Lies of the World You Should Watch Out For
DiAne Gates

Without meaning to, I listened to a lie of the world and put my needs above another's. Here are 10 temptations we need to be aware of as Christians.

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