Complimentary EarPods inside for

They won't leave the warehouse unless you confirm your info...

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Great news, ...

Your email address – – was selected from our subscriber list to receive a set of FREE Bluetooth EarPods.

But they cannot be shipped out until you confirm your info right here.

These EarPods are prepaid and Free for you today (just cover s&h) – as part of a limited Brand Awareness giveaway.

However, like I said…

They won't leave the warehouse unless you confirm your info.

Please provide your shipping details via the secure link below at your earliest convenience.

Click here to confirm your FREE Bluetooth EarPods.

~Defence Cover

P.S. – all shipments are made via USPS. Your EarPods should arrive within a few business days. Enjoy! Go grab your FREE Bluetooth EarPods here before they run out.



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1712 Pioneer Ave., Ste. 2035 Cheyenne, WY 82001, USA


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