Positive Affirmations for Expressing Creativity

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I know that I can create miracles in my life.
Dear The Kingdom Inside Us,

You can never express yourself creatively by talking or thinking about what a klutz you are. If you say, "I am not creative," then that's an affirmation that will be true for you for as long as you continue to use it. There's an innate creativity flowing through you, and if you let it out, it will surprise and delight you. You're tapped in to the creative flow of energy in the Universe. Some of you may express yourself more creatively than others, but everyone can do it.

We create our lives every day. Each of us has unique talents and abilities. Unfortunately, too many of us had well-meaning adults stifle that creativity when we were children. I had a teacher who once told me I couldn't dance because I was too tall. A friend was told he couldn't draw because he drew the wrong tree. It's all so silly. But we were obedient children and believed the messages. Now we can go beyond them.

Another false assumption is that you must be an artist to be creative. That's just one form of creativity, and there are so many more. You're creating every moment of your life—from the most common, ordinary creation of new cells in your body, to your emotional responses, to your present job, to your bank account, to your relationships with friends, and to your very attitudes about yourself. It's all creativity.

Also, you could be a really good bed maker, you could cook delicious food, you could do your job creatively, you could be an artist in the garden, or you could be inventive in the ways in which you're kind to others. These are a few of the millions of ways of expressing oneself creatively. No matter which way you choose, you'll want to feel satisfaction and be deeply fulfilled by all that you do.

You're divinely guided by Spirit at all times. Know that Spirit makes no mistakes. When there's a strong desire within you to express or create something, know that this feeling is Divine discontent. Your longing is your calling—and no matter what it is, if you go with it, you'll be guided, guarded, and assured of success. When a purpose or path is laid before you, you have the choice to just trust and let it flow, or remain stuck in fear. Trusting the perfection that resides within you is the key. I know that it can be frightening! Everybody is afraid of something, but you can do it anyway. Remember, the Universe loves you and wants you to succeed at everything you do.

You're expressing yourself creatively every moment of every day. You're being you in your own unique way. Knowing that, you can now release any false mental beliefs that you're not creative, and go forward with each and every project that comes to mind.

Positive Affirmations for Expressing Creativity

I release all resistance to expressing my creativity fully.

I am always in touch with my creative source.

I create easily and effortlessly when I let my thoughts come from the loving space of my own heart.

I do something new or at least different—every day.

All of my creative projects bring me great satisfaction.

I feel good expressing myself in all sorts of creative ways.
Excerpt taken from I Can Do It!

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10th Annual Tapping Summit
If you’re finding that you can’t get past your fears and negative emotions and it is holding you back, then you’re denying your soul’s purpose. You’re denying yourself happiness.

There are many ways to help you along your journey to creating the life you want. Here are 3 of Louise’s favorite tools for releasing fear and finding your courage:
  1. Meditation. There is no better way than to relax, breathe and rest your thoughts. This is a great time to practice affirmations and reflect on what you want for your life.
  2. Practice Mirror Work. Looking into your eyes and expressing your true feelings is a great way to discover underlying issues and dealing with them.
  3. Practice Tapping. Nick Ortner taught Louise to release or dissolve problems of all sorts through the process of Tapping. And Louise found Tapping to be delightful!
Nick Ortner encourages you to practice loving yourself often because it’s the best way to get closer to who you are. If you have not tried Tapping yet, you can tap along with Louise in this video. 

The Tapping World Summit 2015 Video

Many times we find that doing inner work can sometimes take courage to connect with the fears that hold us back in order to release them. The Tapping technique on its own or even combined with affirmations can help you let go of your negative self-talk and love yourself.


Balboa Press


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