10 Affirmations for Success

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Every experience is a success.
Dear The Kingdom Inside Us,

What does "failure" mean anyway? Does it mean that something did not turn out the way you wanted it to, or the way you were hoping? The law of experience is always perfect. We outpicture our inner thoughts and beliefs perfectly. You must have left out a step or had an inner belief that told you that you did not deserve—or you felt unworthy.

It's the same when I work with my computer. If there's a mistake, it is always me. It is something I have not done to comply with the laws of the computer. It only means that there is something else for me to learn.

The old saying, "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again," is so true. It doesn't mean beat yourself up and try the same old way again. It means recognize your error and try another way—until you learn to do it correctly.

I think it is our natural birthright to go from success to success all our life. If we are not doing that, either we are not in tune with our innate capabilities, or we do not believe it can be true for us, or we do not recognize our successes.

When we set standards that are much too high for where we are at this moment, standards we cannot possibly achieve right now, then we will always fail.

When a little child is learning to walk or talk, we encourage him and praise him for every tiny improvement he makes. The child beams and eagerly tries to do better. Is this the way you encourage yourself when you are learning something new? Or do you make it harder to learn because you tell yourself that you are stupid or clumsy or a "failure"?

Many actresses and actors feel they must be performance perfect when they arrive at the first rehearsal. I remind them that the purpose of rehearsal is to learn. Rehearsal is a period of time to make mistakes, to try new ways and to learn. Only by practicing over and over do we learn the new and make it a natural part of us. When you watch an accomplished professional in any field, you are looking at innumerable hours of practice.

Don't do what I used to do—I would refuse to try anything new because I didn't know how to do it, and I didn't want to appear foolish. Learning is making mistakes until our subconscious mind can put together the right pictures.

It doesn't matter how long you have been thinking of yourself as a failure; you can begin to create a "success" pattern now. It doesn't matter what field you want to operate in. The principles are the same. We need to plant the "seeds" of success. These seeds will grow into an abundant harvest.

Here are some "success" affirmations you can use:

Divine Intelligence gives me all the ideas I can use.
Everything I touch is a success.
There is plenty for everyone, including me.
There are plenty of customers for my services.
I establish a new awareness of success.
I move into the Winning Circle.
I am a magnet for Divine Prosperity.
I am blessed beyond my fondest dreams.
Riches of every sort are drawn to me.
Golden Opportunities are everywhere for me.

Pick one of the above affirmations and repeat it for several days. Then pick another and do the same. Allow these ideas to fill your consciousness. Don't worry about "how" to accomplish this; the opportunities will come your way. Trust the intelligence within you to lead you and guide you. You deserve to be a success in every area of your life.
Excerpt taken from You Can Heal Your Life

Hay House Radio Podcast
Unstoppable Success – Alan Cohen

Are you wondering whether or not to pursue a particular career path, relationship, health regime, or spiritual journey? Alan offers a simple and extremely effective tool to make that decision and stay true to your passion and destiny. Listen Now »

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