This case could end your housing allowance

We Stand With You
The court needs to hear from you
Alliance Defending Freedom

The minister's housing allowance was recently ruled unconstitutional by a federal judge. And that puts its future in jeopardy.

The court doesn't just need to hear from attorneys about why this case matters. It needs to hear from you: someone whose life will be affected by the decision.

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Revoking the housing allowance would bring great financial harm to thousands of pastors and the churches they serve. Countless ministers all across the U.S. rely on this tax exemption. This time-honored tradition helps pastors shelter their own families while they are ministering to their church members and communities—often at great financial sacrifice.

If this court ruling is allowed to stand, some ministers, especially those in areas with a high cost of living, may have to take a second job, send their spouse to work, or even leave the ministry altogether.

Alliance Defending Freedom is filing a friend-of-the-court brief in the case. That means we are writing to the appellate court to tell it why it should overturn the lower court's decision and find the housing allowance to be constitutional.

Before we submit the argument to the court, we need to hear from you.

The brief is available online for churches to sign, but in less than two weeks—on April 23—it will be taken down. Show your support now!

Click here to sign
"If one member suffers, all suffer together; if
one member is honored, all rejoice together."

- 1 Corinthians 12:26

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