Subliminal Affirmations to Heal You - Free Lesson from the Hay House World Summit

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We're Doing a Summit Sneak Peek. You In?
Dear The Kingdom Inside Us,

I am so looking forward to the many great talks during this year's Hay House World Summit.

To give you a little taste of what's to come when you join us, you can now get immediate access to 3 life-changing lessons from Dr. Christiane Northrup, Louise Hay, and Anthony William!
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I know you'll enjoy these talks, as they are a wonderful way to begin living your best life, right now.

Louise Hay's classic Subliminal Affirmations to Heal You is among the free gifts, and it will help you reprogram negative subconscious thoughts at the level where they exist.
Sign up now and enjoy these FREE lessons today until the Summit Begins on May 5:
Louise Hay
Listen Now
Lesson 1: Christiane Northrup, M.D.
Dodging Energy Vampires: An Empath's Guide to Freedom

Christiane describes what an empath is and how we can get addicted to energy vampires: charismatic, predatory, and ultimately dangerous people. She talks about the problem with psychotherapy and why energy vampires are overlooked by the mental health community. Christiane also covers whether a drained empath can become an energy vampire, and the steps to get your life back. Christiane discusses the power of self-love, mirror work, and daily gratitude practices, and also shares helpful tips, including certain prayers you can use to protect yourself from dark energy.
Louise Hay
Listen Now
Lesson 2: Louise Hay
Louise Hay's Subliminal Affirmations to Heal You

Louise believed subliminal affirmations were extremely powerful and effective at reaching the subconscious mind directly, keeping you free from the interference of conscious thought. Louise taught that your point of power is always in the present moment, and these affirmations will reinforce that you're never stuck and your future can always be more positive, loving, and prosperous. With powerful, healing narration from Louise herself, you'll want to listen to this rare subliminal audio over and over again.
Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
Listen Now
Lesson 3: Anthony William
Untold Health Secrets Revealed: Adapt and Heal with the Medical Medium

In this lively and thoughtful interview, he talks about the steps we can take, starting right now, to not only recover our health but restore our souls. Listeners will learn simple yet effective ways to address common challenges such as adrenal fatigue and problems with digestive health. And they'll discover Anthony's technique for reigniting the profound trust that is already a part of us all: a five-minute soul practice so powerful that, he says, "I've seen lives change because of this."
You'll also get an exclusive video lesson from Deepak Chopra, M.D. entitled Prevent and Reverse Disease with These 6 Keys to Health.

In this video, I interview Deepak Chopra, M.D. about the pillars of health, identity and consciousness. Deepak shares his top 6 secrets to great health based on decades of scientific research. He ends with a powerful exercise to help you tune in to your real self that you don't want to miss!

You'll also learn:
Prevent and Reverse Disease with These 6 Keys to Health with Deepak Chopra, M.D.
Sign Up to Watch Now »
We hope this exciting sneak preview gives you a taste of the fun and transformation that's on its way with this year's Hay House World Summit.

People love the World Summit, and we know why! Because it shows you how to live your best life!
Here's What Some Attendees Said
About the Hay House World Summit
"The World Summit profoundly changed my life and helped me view the world through the lens of gratitude. I am so excited for all the lessons this year. It's such a unique experience knowing for certain so many lives are about to be transformed!"
— Sara L.

"Wow, amazing. There is not one lesson I didn't grow from. I've definitely recommended this to my friends. The World Summit has come during one of the darkest times in my life and I had to CHOOSE to react to the situation by healing my soul, changing my thoughts, and having faith."
— Hope E.

"I have totally erased my chronic back pain.... I am enlightened, amazed and excited to be making such wonderful shifts in myself! How could this all be so easy yet I've missed the signs for so long? Feeling thankful!"
— Jennie P.

"I'm new to the Summit. I LOVE IT! I'm gorging on all the information almost to the exclusion of everything else! I am so inspired and grateful to have found my way here. EVERYTHING I have listened to or watched is so relevant to my life today and the journey I have been on for the past 10 years. I am excited and motivated to move forward and live the life I was put on this earth for!"
— Debra M.

"Gratitude Hay House for arranging this world summit where people like us from far off countries had the privilege to witness the world's most spiritually connected souls on one platform sharing their life and wisdom! Namaste!"
— Mita S.
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See you at the World Summit!

All the best,
Reid Tracy
CEO, Hay House

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