5 Ways You Are Teaching Your Kids to Be Entitled

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5 Ways You Are Teaching Your Kids to Be Entitled
Donna Jones

Could you be accidentally raising an entitled child? Here are five common parenting mistakes that can lead to entitlement:

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10 Uplifting Lessons Your Grandchildren Will Teach You
Diana LéGere

As we grow older, grandchildren teach us to measure happiness in experiences, not material things...to find wonder in making funny faces, blowing bubbles, dipping our toes in a lake, or chasing a puppy. Here are 10 lessons worth relearning.

On Divorce and Jen Hatmaker
Dena Johnson Martin

Popular author and speaker Jen Hatmaker has made headlines again, this time as she announces her impending divorce.

10 Cliques That Exist in Every Church
Lindsey Brady

A clique is merely a group of people who bond over similar interests. I don't know about you, but I'm all for people making friends; however, where cliques get their notoriously lousy rap is from how difficult it can be for outsiders to get into the group. That is where the problem lies.

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