Drew Barrymore Swears Off Marriage as Outdated - Here's Why She's Wrong

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Drew Barrymore Swears Off Marriage as Outdated - Here's Why She's Wrong
Amanda Idleman

Drew Barrymore isn't the first or only celebrity to decide that marriage was cramping her style. But the world is wrong--God created marriage and it is full of good things.

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5 Verses You Thought Were in the Bible ... but Aren't
Inside BST

Even though Western culture gets slapped with the “Post-Christian” label, that doesn’t mean references to biblical ideas have been scrubbed away. In fact, nods to Scripture show up quite often in pop culture—from movies to rock stars.

But as often as not, these attempts at grabbing onto what the Bible actually says can miss by a lot. So, what verses do people think are in the Bible but really aren’t? Here are 5 to get

What Will Heaven Be Like?
Dr. David Jeremiah

Many people picture heaven as a never-ending church service in the sky. Or they think we will all become angels who float around on clouds playing harps for the rest of time. Neither of these make eternity seem very appealing. And both are completely inaccurate according to the Bible.

10 Gifts Grandparents Can Give Their Grandkids That No One Else Can
Deborah Haddix

The best gifts we can give to our grandchildren come from the heart, not the wallet.

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