9 Benefits of Worshiping during 'Why, God' Trials

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9 Benefits of Worshiping during 'Why, God' Trials
Anne Peterson

If you're in a season of asking "why, God?"—try opening your heart to worship. The one who has promised to work all things for good (Romans 8:28) has never broken his promises, and is worthy and able to see you through.

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10 Things No One Ever Told You about Being a Pastor
Joe McKeever

Pastors who have been in the field throughout all their adult years wish someone had told them a few things about this work. The following are some of the most important.

How to Find a Meaningful Routine after Retirement
Linda Gilden

After retirement, as one who has followed a set routine for many years, you may find that without one you feel aimless and unuseful. Perhaps the best thing for you to do is to create a routine you can follow that will make you feel productive and allow you to bless others.

Drew Barrymore Swears Off Marriage as Outdated - Here's Why She's Wrong
Amanda Idleman

Drew Barrymore isn't the first or only celebrity to decide that marriage was cramping her style. But the world is wrong--God created marriage and it is full of good things.

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