David in the Bible – Who Was He? Why Is He Important?

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David in the Bible – Who Was He? Why Is He Important?
Allyson Holland

Did you know that more has been written about David than any other biblical character? Sixty-six chapters are dedicated to him. That doesn't include fifty-nine references to him in the New Testament. How important do you think King David was to Israel?

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Do You Push Your Spouse's Buttons?
Dr. David B. Hawkins

Scripture is replete with admonition on the matter: "If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." (Romans 12:18)

5 Ways to Guarantee an (Almost) Perfect School Year
Amy Carroll

There's no such thing as a perfect school year, but there are some sure-fire steps to pave a path to a year that all parties enjoy.

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