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How Parents Can Effectively Help Their Hurting Kids
Emily Hall

The title of Dr. Kevin Leman's newest book, When Your Kid is Hurting: Helping Your Child through the Tough Days, admits right away that hurt in childhood is a question of when, not if. "This is probably the toughest book I ever tried to pull off," Dr. Leman, author of over 60 books, said. "There's a lot of kids that are hurting."

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When You Sound Like Your Mother: The Holy Work of Understanding Your Family's Sin
Nicole Unice

Family is complicated. But family is also one of God's creations where He most frequently reveals Himself. We are instructed to honor our parents in the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:12). A sign of a faithful leader in the church is the ability to manage one's family (1 Timothy 3:4-5). The Bible calls people who believe in Christ his sisters and brothers (Hebrews 2:11), and a special kind of love and care is reserved for the "family of believers" (1 Peter 2:17).

5 Actions the Catholic Church Should Take to Stop Abuse
Lauren Sanchez

The horror of Pennsylvania's Catholic sexual abuse scandal is still very present on the minds of the American people, and the world, for that matter. Many are wondering what the Catholic Church intends to do to prevent further abuses from happening. Some wonder what else can be done to help get justice for those who have been hurt.

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