7 Things I Would Do Differently if I were Raising My Children Again

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7 Things I Would Do Differently if I were Raising My Children Again
Mark Altrogge

My children are adults now and several have children of their own. I have lots of great memories of raising our kids, but in retrospect, I think I would have done a number of things differently.

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4 Simple Bible Reading Strategies for Reading Plan Quitters
Scott Slayton

that. Sometimes I find that I get halfway through a Bible reading plan, get bogged down, and cannot go any further. If you struggle like I do, here is the advice that I would offer– change it up. After all, what matters is not that we are sticking to a plan, but that we are reading the Bible and being changed by it.

The Book of Revelation Is Not Just about the Future
Dr. Michael J. Kruger

Revelation is not just about the future. It is also about the past and very much about the present—perhaps primarily about the present.

5 Birthmarks of the Born Again Christian
Dr. David Jeremiah

While the entire Bible stresses certainty and assurance, there's one section of Scripture that stakes out this theme as its central focus—the letter of 1 John

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