Eat this to skyrocket joint mobility

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Hi, It's BioTRUST Co-Founder, Josh Bezoni, and if you're worried sick about your aging joints—like your hips, knees, ankles, neck, shoulders, elbows, spine and hands—then this will be one of the most important stories you'll ever hear from me. 

For starters, I can't believe I'm saying it, but I'm now in my early 40s. It feels like just yesterday I was a seemingly invincible 20-year-old. Like me, you're probably noticing some significant changes in your body as time flies by. Like my 76-year-old father often says, "Getting older isn't always a box of chocolates."


Truth be told, I've witnessed the challenge both my parents have gone through in their "golden years," and until recently, I've been downright worried about how their bodies will hold up over time.

I'm also worried about losing my mobility and physical freedom with age. I want to stay active and enjoying life well into my 60s, 70s 80s and beyond.

Maybe you have some of these same worries and concerns as well? maybe you're already experiencing challenges when:

** Playing with your kids of grandkids...

** Working around the house or gardening...

** Going up and down stairs or getting out of the car...

** Trying to settle in for a good night's rest...

But if there's one thing I've learned in life, it's that sitting around and worrying doesn't get you far. My Grandpa Bill used to say, "The only thing worrying gets you is a bellyache. Get up and do something about it!"

So that's what I did. The way I look at it, if I start taking better care of my joints and nourish them with critical nutrients that support their health, flexibility, and strength, they'll be there for me for a long, long time.

Now this is really where the story gets good...

You see, not too long ago I went to seek out the expert advice of Shawn Wells at our BioTRUST Research and Development Lab in Dallas, Texas.

Shawn is a Registered Dietitian, and he's considered one of the very best in the industry with over 20 years of experience. Not only does he work for BioTRUST as our Chief Scientific Officer, he has a Master's degree in Nutrition from UNC-Chapel Hill, and he's a Fellow of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, a distinction earned by only a select handful of professionals in the field.

I talked with Shawn about my very same joint health concerns I just shared with you. Shawn is about my age, and he shares my my same concerns about getting older and feeling like the "wheels are coming off the wagon." So, he knew exactly what I was talking about.

Shawn explained to me that there are three common structural factors that contribute to declining joint health and function as we get older:

1. Poor collagen health, production, and formation
Collagen is the primary structural protein in cartilage—the spongy connective tissue that cushions the ends of your bones where your joints meet. Essentially, cartilage protects your bones from grinding against each other, bone on bone, which would be extremely painful. As you age, however, less cushioning is available, leading to fragile-feeling joints and reduced joint health and function.

2. Inadequate levels of lubricating joint fluid
Hyaluronic acid is the chief component of joint fluid, also known as synovial fluid, which helps reduce the friction between bones by providing lubrication between cartilage. As cartilage deteriorates with age, so do levels of hyaluronic acid and synovial fluid production, making it excessively difficult for joints to move freely and flexibily—kind of like the hinges on a squeaky door.

3. Increased collagen breakdown
Healthy levels of collagen-degrading enzymes, known as 5-LOX and MMPs, are important for normal, ongoing rebuilding of joint tissues. however, these joint-degrading enzymes can run rampant in worrisome joints, leading to even greater collagen breakdown.

In plain English, this all means that people can experience subpar joint health and mobility when their joints aren't getting the proper support they need—like the nutrients that form building blocks needed to support healthy levels of cartilage and proper lubrication of the joint.

With this in mind, since BioTRUST hadn't yet developed a joint support product, I got online and ordered the top product available from another brand. It contained the popular joint health ingredients glucosamine, chondroitin, and MS. It was supposed to be a good product. But there was a big problem: the label recommendations said I had to take upwards of six large tablets each day, which was not convenient at all.

After a few weeks, I got tired of taking so many pills that I stopped using the product. I didn't notice any real benefit in those first few weeks, which isn't suprising considering that studies show it can take several months for those ingredients to "work," and even then, the benefits are modest at best.

Frustrated, I asked Shawn to work with our entire BioTRUST Research and Development Team to come up with a new joint support formulation, for my personal use, that would help support healthy levels of cartilage and joint lubrication...AND I insisted that only one tiny pill would need to be taken each day.

I told them to spare no expense and make this a top priority.

Shawn told me that this wouldn' t be easy to do. But he and the team were up for the monumental challenge to build a state-of-the-art joint support formula, and they went to work.

Long story short, Shawn and the team spent hundreds of man hours over the next several months combing through reams of studies and journals on scientific websites like PubMead. They also conducted interviews with some of the leading doctors and scientists from companies like InterHealth®, Biobérica®, and PLT Health Solutions®, which specialize in creating patented ingredients to support joint health.

After months of late nights, testing, and 32 prototypes later, Shawn and the team finally presented the 33rd prototype formula to me with not one, not two, but THREE patented joint nourishing ingredients to support joint health, function, and mobility. They called this formula Joint 33X™, and here's an overview of the research-backed ingredients it contains and how they compliment each other beautifully to support healthy joints:


1. UC-11® is a unique, research-backed form of undenatured type II collagen. Remember, collagen is the primary structural protein in connective tissues, including bones and cartilage, and it's the wearing down of type II joint collagen that is associated with reduced joint health and function.

Four separate studies have tested the mettle of UC-II, and research has shown that just 40mg daily of this patented ingredient is enough to significantly support joint health and mobility by promoting healthy levels of collagen. It is manufactured in the United States using a patented, low-temperature, non-enzymatic process.

How does it stack up to other joint health ingredients? A study published in the renowned International Journal of Medical Sciences showed UC-II to be significantly more effective at improving joint flexibility and overall joint function than a combination of popular joint supplement ingredients glucosamine and chondroitin.

Even more, in a study conducted by Dr. James Lugo and published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, daily supplementation with UC-II led to greater joint health and mobility when compared to the placebo group receiving no UC-II.

Better joint health and function and greater qualtiy of life... I don't know about you, but that sounds pretty good to me. In fact, it's exactly what I was looking for for in a joint health supplement. But there's more. 

2. The next joint-nourishing ingredient in Joint 33X is the patented Hyal-Joint®, a natural extract that is rich in hyaluronic acid, the chief component of joint-lubricating synovial fluid. Remember, joint wear and tear is typically characterized by reduced quantity and quality of hyaluronic acid, and along those lines, a half-dozen human studies have demonstrated the joint health benefits of Hyal-Joint, which helps lubricate and cushion joints. 

For example, in a pivotal study published in Clinical Nutrition Supplements, researchers found that participants supplementing wtih Hyal-Joint experienced significant improvements in joint functions and muscle strength... great news for those seeking to support strong, healthy joints. 

3. Yet another patented, researched-backed joint health ingredient, AprèsFlex® Boswellia extract targets key collagen-degrading enzymes (such as MMps and 5-LOX), and by supporting normal, healthy levels of these mediators, AprèsFlex supports healthy joints and connective tissues.


Two separate human studies have confirmed the joint-nourishing potential of this powerful plant-derived ingredient. Even more, research has shown that the study participants experienced noticeable improvements in joint flexibility and function in much less time than with typical and more popular joint supplement ingredients. 

Again, I don't know about you, but that excited me, especially considering that the other popular joint health ingredients take many months to make an impact, and even then, research shows that it's marginal effect at best. 

In total, these 3 patented, joint-nourishing ingredients are backed by more than a dozen human studies, which demonstrates their potential to support joint health and flexibility while at the same time actually addressing the root causes that contribute to declining joint function and mobility (instead of merely slapping on a band-aid with ineffective, temporary solutions).

What's more, Joint 33X promotes noticeable improvements you can feel in less time than you might think—I felt results in the first week—with just ONE tiny capsule per day. 

Contrast that with being forced to swallow 6 - 8 large tablets of glucosamine and chondroitin daily, and I could clearly see the potential of Joint 33X as a next-generation joint health supplement of the future. 

In fact, I was so impressed, I immediately shipped out a few prototype bottles of Joint 33X to my parents, who, like me, both noticed significant improvements after using the product. And they certainly appreciate only having to take one, small capsule daily.

My father, Harold, is 76 and my mother, Barb, just turned 70 this week, so I took them both on a "bucket list" vacation to Hawaii to celebrate mom's 70 years of life. (I owe them both so much!)

Unlike past trips, we've been hiking, swimming in the ocean, and exploring the island. It warms my heart to see both of my parents really enjoying their physical freedom and golden years without being forced to sit and watch everyone else have all the fun. Being a healthy, active senior is really a blessing I wish for everyone.

That's why, after my personal positive experiences with Joint 33X, as well as witnessing that of my parents, I gave my team at BioTRUST the green light to make our first production run of Joint 33X and take it through our industry-leading quality control testing and GMP-certified manufacturing process before it became "BioTRUST Approved and Certified" and available to our customers.

We believe in our products, we use our products ourselves, and every step of our manufacturing and development process was created to ensure that our products deliver only the hightest quality formulations and ingredients to you and your body, day in and day out. After all, that's what you deserve, and we're here to give it to you with each and every product we produce. 

We have received a great deal of raving reviews and positive feedback on the quality and science behind the product, virtually all of our customers are thrilled with only having to take one tiny capsule per day.

That's why I wanted to pass along some savings to help those in need.

When you order Joint 33X today, we are offering you a 22% discount today. This 22% discount is 
in addition to our already discounted bundle packs, giving you the opportunity to save up to 40% OFF the one bottle price today when you stock up and save!  

Simply click on the special link below and select your money saving package:


==> Get an additional 22% off Joint 33X today (use savings code JOINT22 at checkout)


And of course, like with all BioTRUST products, you're always protected by our 60-Day Satisfaction Guarantee. we're so confident that you'll agree that Joint 33X is the best joint health supplement you've used that you can get a refund of your full purchase price including even empty bottles if for any reason you aren't satisfied—up to 60 days after securing your order today. That's a promise from me to you.

Again, this state-of-the-art product is only available with FREE shipping to our VIP subscribers like you at the link below.

==> Get an additional 22% off Joint 33X today (use savings code JOINT22 at checkout)

To your physical freedom,

Josh Bezoni
BioTRUST Co-Founder

P.S. Please help us spread the news about Joint 33X by forwarding this email to your friends and family in need.

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