10 Cliques that Exist in Every Church

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10 Cliques that Exist in Every Church
Lindsey Brady

A clique is merely a group of people who bond over similar interests. I don't know about you, but I'm all for people making friends; however, where cliques get their notoriously lousy rap is from how difficult it can be for outsiders to get into the group. That is where the problem lies.

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10 Things You Should Know about Original Sin
Sam Storms

Original sin sounds so archaic, so pessimistic, so grimly medieval. For heaven's sake, this is the era of the computer and the space shuttle. And haven't the most learned psychologists and sociologists assured us that people are by nature good, having been turned to their evil ways not by some inner instinct but through the influence of a deviant culture and sub-standard education? These questions indicate how important it is for us to understand the biblical notion of original sin.

16 Thoughtful Questions to Ask Besides "How was School?"
Amy Green

Use these conversation starters to avoid bringing after school heart-to-hearts to a screeching halt.

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10 Inspiring Beth Moore Quotes for Every Christian Woman

Thank you Beth Moore, and so many other godly women leaders, who have encouraged this generation onward in Christ.

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