10 Prayers for Hope When You're Tired of the Struggle

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10 Prayers for Hope When You're Tired of the Struggle
Cindi McMenamin

Chances are, this year will throw some unexpected curve balls your way. So, you and I need to be prepared with an arsenal of prayers when these unexpected circumstances arise.

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What We're Learning about the Body of Christ from Church-at-Home
Lucas Hagen

As we transition to full worship services, rather than returning to our same old ways of doing church, let's think critically about what we have learned in 2020—about how we can best serve one another.

How to Tell If Their Christian Dating Profile Is Telling the Truth
Hope Bolinger

Some people who claim to follow the word of God may not always practice what they preach. Sometimes a guy or girl who is less mature in the faith, or not part of the faith at all, may claim to be further along in their walk with Christ because dating a Christian is seen as something more sophisticated in our culture.

Who Are the Two Beasts in Revelation 13?
Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

The book of Revelation is known for startling and often confusing imagery. In Revelation 13, we see two descriptions, of a beast emerging from the sea, and another from the earth. But do we know what these two monsters represent, and what they will be responsible for in the End Times? Let's take a closer look...

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