6 Healing Lessons from America’s Veterans

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6 Healing Lessons from America's Veterans
Whitney Hopler

America's veterans can teach all of us valuable lessons about how to cooperate with God for healing from any kind of wounds we suffer in body or soul.

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What Will Heaven Be Like? (5 Amazing Things We Can Know for Sure)
Debbie McDaniel

I've thought a lot about heaven this past year, maybe more than ever before. Losing a loved one will do that to you. Within a year of each other, both my dear sister-in-law and father-in-law left this world and passed through heaven's gates. Their stories were different, young and old, but they both loved Jesus with all their heart. And though the pain lingers, we know they're in a much better place. No more cancer, struggle, tears, or suffering. No more pain.

Veterans Day Prayers to Honor and Uplift Our Veterans
Sarah Frazer

Prayer is a way to say thank you and let veterans know we have not forgotten them. As we pray for our veterans, may these prayers help you put into words what's on your heart.

The 2 Marks of a Truly Wicked Person
James Johnston

Psalm 10 may have been written long ago, but the marks of true wickedness haven't changed a bit.

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