10 Verses about Fear and Anxiety to Remind Us God Is in Control

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10 Verses about Fear and Anxiety to Remind Us God Is in Control
Debbie McDaniel

Fear. One of the enemy’s most popular weapons that he uses against us. Worry, anxiety, fear…can overwhelm us with a thick shadow of darkness, controlling our every move and decision.

So much crazy going on around us today - wars, conflicts, persecution, violence, crime, natural disasters, terrorism, economic uncertainty, unemployment, divisions, disease, death. We fear for our children’s future, we fear for our families, we fear for our finan

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3 Ways to Build a Marriage That Can Withstand a Crisis
Meg Apperson

Our unity was tested and we learned, through God's refining fire of suffering, ways in which to love and honor each other regardless of our circumstances.

Is Watching Porn a Sin?
Joel Ryan

God calls His followers to flee sexual temptation in all forms, and that includes pornography. However, the real consequence of watching pornography—apart from the physical, mental, financial, and social effects—can be found in the spiritual aftermath.

The 2 Marks of a Truly Wicked Person
James Johnston

Psalm 10 may have been written long ago, but the marks of true wickedness haven't changed a bit.

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