4 Battle Cry Scriptures to Memorize in Seasons of Depression

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4 Battle Cry Scriptures to Memorize in Seasons of Depression
Melissa Fuller

No matter the circumstances surrounding me, God's Word is constant, offering hope and encouragement each day. There are four passages I always turn to in seasons of depression. 

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What Are the Hardest Sins to Forgive?
Aaron Brown

Forgiveness will always be a difficult process. But when we show this form of love we also receive forgiveness from God. Here's a look at five of the hardest sins to forgive, and how forgiving is God's desire for you.

Do Millennials and Boomers Share the Same Values?
Mel Walker

Instead of concentrating on programs that segregate the generations, perhaps it is time to develop ways to link the generations in biblically-based strategies and functions.

10 Verses about Fear and Anxiety to Remind Us God Is in Control
Debbie McDaniel

I struggled with fear and worry for years. But through time, I began to find that the things that once would have sent me down an anxious spiral, no longer had the same effect. Here's why...

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