Free Video: Discover the Art of Loving Yourself

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Loving Yourself: Improving Self-Esteem with Mirror Work
Dear The Kingdom Inside Us,

Your relationship with yourself affects everything in your life. So, if you are feeling stuck in difficult relationships, an unsatisfying career, unhealthy habits or even financial disparity, mirror work is a wonderful way to go deep within and heal so that more of what you want can come into your life.

Louise Hay discovered that positive affirmations work best when you look into your own eyes in a mirror and repeat these affirmations often. This is what she has coined, “Mirror Work” and she’s been the pioneer of this life-changing practice ever since. Louise discovered the power of the mirror work technique first-hand to heal from a traumatic childhood, low self-esteem and even used it to heal herself of cancer. As she practiced mirror work, her self-esteem improved and is responsible for her successful business and rewarding life.

In this first video, Robert Holden, Ph.D., shares one of Louise’s foundational mirror work exercises to help you begin a self-love journey that will forever change the way you see yourself, how you see others, and ultimately, how you see the world.
Discover the Art of Loving Yourself »
Video 1
Click Here to Play Video 1 »
Robert is the best-selling author of several books, Director of the Happiness Project and Success Intelligence, a business coach for top corporations, and has worked closely with Louise Hay and her mirror work technique. He’s sharing several mirror work exercises in his free video series to help you learn the gifts that come from loving yourself.

It’s never too late to improve your self-esteem. Self-esteem is essential in all aspects of your life including relationships, health and financial security. When you learn Louise’s mirror work technique, you’ll begin to take care of yourself on a much deeper level, and you’ll begin to see that when you truly love yourself, the world reflects more love back to you.

Wishing You the Best,
Reid Tracy
CEO, Hay House
Comments about the free video series:

"Very empowering. Love is as good as life gets and it does begin with self-love. Robert your teaching is great." —Linda

"Love this. So gently presented, with loving kindness. I am headed to my mirror now." —Katy

"I did this for the first time today and started by smiling as I did it, then I found I got very emotional as I've always had a lack of love in my life. I am 62 years old, so this was a "biggie" as I've never looked in a mirror before except to apply makeup. Thanks for this!" —Barbara

"Thank you so much for these exercises. I have already started doing the seven day challenge. I'm expecting an abundance of love. Thanks for your patient attitude." —Catherine

"Amazing and gifted teaching. I'm going to do the mirror work for 7 days. Just doing it for the first time and he's's like you tap into the REAL spiritual...tears of joy!" —Kamille
Loving Yourself: Improving Self-Esteem with Mirror Work
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