Loving Yourself Online Course: Heal, Empower and Embrace Your Life

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Loving Yourself: 21 Days to Improved Self-Esteem with Mirror Work
Join Louise Hay and Friends on this Fabulous Journey to Self-Love!
“Love is the biggest eraser I know. Love erases even the deepest and most painful memories because love goes deeper than anything else. Do you want a life of pain or one of joy? The choice and power are always within you. Look into your eyes, and love you and the little child within.” —Louise Hay
Dear The Kingdom Inside Us,

If you can’t get enough of mirror work after the four free videos we sent, you are going to love what we are sharing next! When we learn how to really love and accept ourselves exactly as we are, a whole new world of possibility opens to us to bring in all we thought we were missing!

An all-new online video course featuring Louise Hay, Robert Holden, Ph.D., David Kessler, Dr. Mona Lisa Schulz, Heather Dane, and Ahlea Khadro.
Do any of these resonate with you?
  • Stuck in bad relationships?
  • Surrounded by continuous drama and conflict?
  • Riddled with self-doubt?
  • Don’t know what you really want?
  • Always being taken advantage of?
  • Constantly feel stressed and tired?
  • Unable to make positive changes in your life?
  • Trapped in addiction or self-defeating behaviors?
  • Attract situations and people who make you feel bad or insignificant?
  • Constantly feel like you have to prove yourself and your sense of worth to others?
Then you are ready to join Louise Hay and Friends on this fabulous journey to self-love! You were born to be loved, to be happy, to be prosperous and to feel great in your own skin!

This entire 21-day online course is only $49.99! You deserve all this love!
Start My Self-love Journey with Louise & Friends Now »
Learn More about the Loving Yourself Course »
Loving Yourself: The Great Miracle Cure for Healing Your Life!

We came equipped with everything within us that we need in order to live this Life fully and richly. We have all the wisdom. We have all the knowledge. We have all the abilities and all the talents. We have all the love and all the emotions that we need. Life is here to support us and take care of us, and we need to know and trust that it is so.

Do you feel like there are too many issues to “fix” or that your life could never be easy or fun?

Do you even doubt this course will make you love yourself, heal your heart, or heal your life?

If you answered yes to either of these, this online course is what you’ve been waiting for! You can trust that using mirror work as outlined in this 21 Days to Improved Self-Esteem Course will not only help you heal your life, but you’ll also gain a strong sense of self and purpose that will carry you through any challenge you are currently facing. You will know again that perfectly created person you were when you came into this world.

Remember, mirror work helped Louise heal from a traumatic childhood and allowed her to become a leader in spiritual self-empowerment! She knows first-hand that mirror work is the key to self-love and self-acceptance, and the only way to live fully and joyfully!

How Loving Yourself: 21 Days to Improved Self-Esteem Online Course Works

This Loving Yourself: 21 Days to Improved Self-Esteem Online Video Course is designed to address the common emotions, situations and behaviors caused by a lack of self-love. Once you understand the reasons behind the lack of self-love, you can begin to incorporate the mirror work exercises and daily meditations to undo the negative conditioning you received as a child and continue to experience as an adult.

Mirror work is the greatest gift you can give yourself. This powerful tool allows you to confront self-defeating behaviors and challenges you to choose love over all else. This life-changing decision will bring you numerous enriching benefits when you do the mirror work exercises and listen to Louise’s powerful meditations in this course.

Loving Yourself: 21 Days to Improved Self-Esteem Online Video Course is the first step in realizing your true power in achieving the love, the prosperity, and the relationships you’ve been longing for.

Loving Yourself: 21 Days to Improved Self-Esteem Online Course Can Help You To:
  • Live the life that reflects the truth of who you really are
  • Achieve self-knowledge and self-acceptance
  • Recognize your heart’s desire
  • Gain confidence to listen to and follow your inner guidance
  • Cultivate your soul gifts – all of those talents you’ve come to share with the world
  • Have self-love which makes it so much easier for others to love you
  • Have less drama and fewer conflicts
  • Heal personal suffering and the suffering of others
“When you learn mirror work, you will become so much more aware of the words you say and the things you do. You will also learn to take care of yourself on a deeper level than you’ve done before.” —Louise Hay
Overview of Loving Yourself: 21 Days to Improved Self-Esteem Online Course with Louise Hay, Robert Holden, Dr. Mona Lisa Schulz, David Kessler, Heather Dane and Ahlea Khadro:

Week 1
Day 1: Loving Yourself with Louise Hay
Day 2: Your Mirror Is Your Friend
Day 3: Monitoring Your Self-Talk
Day 4: Letting Go of Your Past
Day 5: Building Your Self-Esteem
Day 6: Releasing Your Inner Critic
Day 7: Loving Yourself: A Review of Your First Week

Week 2
Day 8: Loving Your Inner Child-Part 1
Day 9: Loving Your Inner Child-Part 2
Day 10: Loving Your Body
Day 11: Feeling Good
Day 12: Overcoming Your Fears
Day 13: Starting Your Day with Love
Day 14: Loving Yourself: A Review of Your Second Week

Week 3
Day 15: Forgiving Yourself and Those Who Have Hurt You
Day 16: Healing Your Relationships
Day 17: Living Stress-Free
Day 18: Receiving Your Prosperity
Day 19: Living Your Attitude of Gratitude
Day 20: Teaching Your Kids Mirror Work
Day 21: Loving Yourself: Course Summary: 12 Ways to Love Yourself
Bonus Course Materials You’ll Receive for FREE When You Register for this Course:

You Can Heal Your Life Study Course – Video
In this unique study course with Louise Hay, learn exercises and affirmations to help create new thought patterns so you can learn to truly love yourself.

Anger Releasing – Audio
Visualization exercises for releasing negative feelings and maximizing your true inner potential.

Love Yourself, Heal Your Life Workbook – PDF
Companion workbook to You Can Heal Your Life which includes exploratory writing exercises to teach you how to connect with your higher self.
Save $40 and Get 3 Great Gifts from Louise When You Register Now!
Start Loving Yourself: 21 Days to Improved Self-Esteem Online Video Course now and you’ll finally know what it means to live a life that is rewarding, empowered and led by the most important person there is…you.

Own it and revisit this course as often as you need to uplift your heart, increase self-esteem and move in a positive direction!

Brought to you by HayHouseU.com.

Customers in the United Kingdom & Australia: You’ll be prompted to pay for the course in your currency and the course price is based on current conversion rates and includes any VAT/sales tax as applicable.

"Register Now and Save $30 Now $49.95 USD - Add to Cart

OR, call 1-760-431-7695 ext. 1 OR, Live Chat, Monday – Friday, 7:00 AM – 5:30 PM PT
Don’t miss this opportunity discover the powerful techniques developed by Louise Hay to overcome self-doubt, low self-esteem and self-defeating behaviors. You can save $40 and get 3 wonderful gifts from Louise when you register today!

Wishing You the Best,
Reid Tracy
CEO, Hay House
Loving Yourself: Improving Self-Esteem with Mirror Work
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