Free Video: Mirror Work - The Path to Heal Your Life

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Loving Yourself: Improving Self-Esteem with Mirror Work
Dear The Kingdom Inside Us,

Robert has one final video to share with you about mirror work and how to use it to heal your life.
Loving Yourself: 21 Days to Improved Self-Esteem With Mirror Work »
Video 1
Click Here to Play Video 4 »
Pioneer, Louise Hay, credits mirror work for the success, love and abundance in her life today. She used it to overcome self-doubt, low self-esteem and self-defeating behaviors. She has said on many occasions that self-love is the great miracle cure for healing your life and living a life that truly reflects who you are.

When you love yourself, really love yourself, you make it so much easier for others to love you, and life is so much easier.

If you’re struggling in your relationships, in your work or you are experiencing health issues, we encourage you to try these mirror work exercises Robert has been sharing.
Discover the Art of Loving Yourself »
Video 1
Click Here to Play
Video 1  »
Life Loves You »

Video 2
Click Here to Play Video 2 »
Feel Good About Yourself and Your Day »
Video 3
Click Here to Play Video 3 »
It’s time to find that place in your heart where self-love already exists and bring it to everything you do. You are so loved, so worthy and so deserving of anything you ask for. Look in the mirror and smile…you are a gift to this world.

Wishing You the Best,
Reid Tracy
CEO, Hay House
Here are some of the heart-warming comments we’ve received about this free video series:

“Thank you. Mirror affirmations and mirror work never worked for me until someone told me to look into the blue of my eyes. I thought they were crazy so I figured I would humor them. I looked into the blue in my eyes and said I love you I cried and cried. There was so much pain there that I had not been able to move through up to that point. Now it is so much easier and now I realize I am finally letting go of the pain from childhood.” —Dawn

“Very interesting! I have heard about mirror work but not actually seen how it is done! Thank you.” —Kacey

“I just finished your mirror work video. I’ve experienced this kind of work before. I found it rather interesting how I have learned to love myself and doing this again has encouraged me again to feel more confident and have more self-esteem and I thank you for your video.” —Lorrie

“Found it very interesting. For some unknown reason I started crying.” —Judy

“I did this work 20 years ago. I think it’s time to do it again…” —Albertina
Loving Yourself: Improving Self-Esteem with Mirror Work
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