Free Video: Try this Exercise to Align Your Feelings with What You Want in Life

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Loving Yourself: Improving Self-Esteem with Mirror Work
Dear The Kingdom Inside Us,

Stop criticizing and judging yourself and start a journey of self-love and self-acceptance. Dr. Robert Holden wants to show you how in his free video series.

Robert Holden, Ph.D., best-selling author of several books, Director of the Happiness Project and Success Intelligence and a business coach for several industries, has worked closely with Louise Hay in mirror work. He’s sharing several mirror work exercises in his free video series to help you learn the gifts that come from loving yourself.

In Robert’s second free video, you’ll learn a powerful mirror work exercise called Life Loves You. You’ll discover that everything you want can be yours when you align how you feel about yourself with what you hope to attract in your life.
Life Loves You »
Video 2
Click Here to Play Video 2 »
Remember, we see things as we are, and the world is a mirror reflection of our state of mind. So if you aren’t happy with what you see, grab your mirror and try this powerful exercise!

In Robert’s first video, he shared a foundational mirror work exercise, originally taught by Louise Hay, to help you begin a self-love journey that will forever change the way you see yourself, how you see others, and ultimately, how you see the world. If you missed it, check it out now:
Discover the Art of Loving Yourself »
Video 1
Click Here to Play Video 1 »
By doing mirror work exercises consistently, you’ll feel more confident, more loving, and more receptive to the gifts and possibilities that are always available to you when you love yourself first.

Let Robert know how you feel about mirror work by leaving a comment on the video page. Both Robert and I love to hear your success stories!

Wishing You the Best,
Reid Tracy
CEO, Hay House
Comments about the free video series:

"Elegant and powerful. I had to go to "I know life loves me because..." in order to connect, but it cleared a path for me. I'm grateful for this, thank you." —Rachel

"Mind BLOWN! Thank you for altering my perspective – such an amazing gift today to understand the mirror principle." —Shelly

"Thank you Dr. Robert. I am motivated to do this everyday for the next 7 days and see the wonder that will manifest in my life! Cheers!" —Jane

"Thank you so much for these free wonderful videos, I love the feeling after doing each exercise." —Aleyda

"Thank you, thank you, thank you. What a gift! The chains are breaking and I feel lighter already. Funny thing is that it's not life that binds us. It's ourselves. You are a bright star. Keep shining " —Karren
Loving Yourself: Improving Self-Esteem with Mirror Work
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