3 Things Pro-Life Christians Can Do Even if Roe v. Wade is Never Overturned

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3 Things Pro-Life Christians Can Do Even if Roe v. Wade is Never Overturned
Emily Hall

It's great that another conservative-leaning person was nominated for the Supreme Court, but what if Roe v. Wade is never overturned? If abortion remains legal in the U.S., could Christians still engage the pro-life effort beyond protesting Roe v. Wade?

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10 Reasons Women are Lonely
Jennifer Slattery

It's not that people don't have relationships. But for many, those relationships don't offer the companionship our hearts crave

Are Guardian Angels Real?
Dawn Wilson

It's not wise to think about the reality of guardian angels without considering who angels are biblically. Images and descriptions of angels in the media, art and literature often give us a distorted view of these magnificent creatures.

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