9 Truths to Cling to If You Feel Like the Worst Mother Ever

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9 Truths to Cling to If You Feel Like the Worst Mother Ever
May Patterson

Mothers (and fathers) have to make endless decisions for their children. Sometimes, I've used good judgment, and sometimes not. Maybe you can relate. Perhaps you, too, have stood tearfully in the driveway proclaiming yourself to be the "Worst Mother Ever" like I have.

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Can Your Soul Survive Facebook and Twitter?
Russell Moore

Church splits and Twitter wars aren't really all that different. Joining a cult and spending time wondering what people think about you online are different in degree, but maybe not that much in kind.

How to Follow God's Plan
Kristine Brown

When you ask the Holy Spirit to guide you, trust He will.

Featured Video Ministry from

It's in the Evidence
Bishop Vernon G. Lambe, Sr. & Elder Ruth Ann Lambe
Concepts for Living

More ministry video at LightSource.com
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