Who Was Elijah & Why is His Bible Story Still Important Today?

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Who Was Elijah & Why is His Bible Story Still Important Today?
Kristi Woods

His name means "The LORD is my God." The message of his life matched his name. It still does today. Not only do we see evidence of this man threaded throughout portions of the Old Testament, but we also find mention of him sprinkled in the New Testament as well. His name? Elijah.

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5 Reasons Your Children Need to Know They're Image Bearers
Amy Dunham

The Bible only takes 26 verses before it tells us that we are created in God's image: "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them." (Genesis 1:27) I knew this. But it was like my heart heard it for the first time. And then, in the rearview mirror, I saw my three girls.

Do We Need a Still Small Voice Before We Obey?
Liz Wann

Women love to hear from God. We love telling people about the still small voice speaking to us. Perhaps it makes us feel special and loved to know we've heard the voice of God. It's a sign of favor. It's relational. He's shared something unique with us, it's our own secret, and no one can tell us otherwise. But why do we want to hear from God in this special way? Do we think we need a sign to tell us what do?

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