4 Ways Singleness is Harder Than Marriage (And 4 Helpful Tips!)

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4 Ways Singleness is Harder Than Marriage (And 4 Helpful Tips!)
Rachel Dawson

Often in the church, marriage is esteemed as the preferred, better, more desirable relationship status. And singleness? It's hard, often lonely, and unwanted. So, what do we do?

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7 Things Parents Should Know About 'Uncle Drew'
Michael Foust

Uncle Drew was the top street baller back in the 1960s, with "ankle-breaking" moves that turned heads and a sweet stroke that everyone emulated. Then an off-court incident slowed his career. Today, Uncle Drew can be found on those same basketball courts, watching the action from the stands and commenting on how "Dr. Naismith would be rolling in his grave" at the current state of the game.

7 Steps to Take When Life Doesn't Go Your Way
Dr. Roger Barrier

Every Christian experiences closed doors at one time or other-- some more than others: unexpected illness; lingering sickness; drawn out recovery after surgery; or depression that begins to set in. Some of you are there right now. What happens next depends totally to you.

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