Unlock Your Body’s Natural Ability to Heal Itself

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Dear The Kingdom Inside Us,

When Louise wrote her worldwide best-selling book, You Can Heal Your Life, she did it because she cared deeply about helping others live happily, free from pain.

She would be proud of our upcoming Free HEAL Summit, featuring some of the world’s best physicians, healers, researchers and scientists, all pouring a lifetime of healing wisdom into this 7-day event.

If you are sick, or just know in your heart you can feel better—free of pain, fatigue or anxiety... this event will help you get in touch with your innate ability to heal.

Watch free previews of Summit
lessons before it begins »
“Nourishing myself is a joyful experience, and I am worth the time spent on my healing.” —Louise Hay
The HEAL Summit is completely free to watch and takes place July 25–31. It features 18 healing lessons from Anthony William, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Deepak Chopra, M.D., Anita Moorjani, Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., Marianne Williamson and 12 others.

  • Learn why your genes aren’t making you sick and what really is.
  • Get to the root of past issues so you can finally find healing.
  • Live beyond mental illness, chronic anxiety and more. 
  • Restore immune system function and gut flora after antibiotics.
  • Create healthy biorhythms so you can finally (and reliably) get some sleep.
  • Create the conditions for a medical miracle and learn why these medical anomalies are so common.
I know Louise would be grateful and would love participating and learning herself from the many teachers who’ve joined our first-ever HEAL Summit this year.

And you can, too. Stay tuned.

Wishing You the Best,
Reid Tracy
CEO, Hay House

P.S. Start your healing journey early by picking up the full HEAL Summit (including transcripts, audios, videos AND over $500 in bonuses) for the early bird price of only $77 (that’s $22 off) before July 24 at 11:59 PM ET

This value-packed 7-day online video Summit is your map to complete healing.
 In this FREE Summit, you’ll learn:
  • The surprising virus making 95% of people sick from Anthony William
  • How to activate your brain’s hidden healing potential from Dr. Joe Dispenza
  • The #1 thing you need to heal, no matter how sick you are from Kelly Turner, Ph.D.
  • One step to influence spontaneous remission in your body from Deepak Chopra, M.D.
  • A 2-minute meditation to heal your body at the quantum level from David Hamilton, Ph.D.
  • How falling out of spiritual alignment can cause physical pain from Michael Bernard Beckwith
  • Why digestion is the key to health from Peter Crone
  • A 3-part technique to trigger subconscious healing from Dr. Darren Weissman
  • The difference in perception that helps people survive cancer from Bernie Siegel, M.D.
  • How to reprogram your thoughts for health from Bruce Lipton, Ph.D.
  • The secret way to reverse type 2 diabetes, even without medication from Mark Emerson, D.C., C.C.S.P.
  • A 15-minute headache relief tool from Joan Borysenko, Ph.D.
  • An instant technique to harmonize your heart and brain and create healing from Gregg Braden
  • A method to quickly change your state of consciousness at will from Dr. Jeffrey Thompson D.C., B.F.A
  • The single most important tool in medicine from Kelly Brogan, M.D.
The HEAL Summit is FREE to watch online July 25 – 31.

Watch Here »

When you visit the hayhousehealsummit.com now, you’ll get a free 25-minute lesson from Anthony William, plus three HEAL video previews from Dr. Joe Dispenza, Anita Moorjani and Joan Borysenko, Ph.D.

Anthony William shares how he began receiving the words of Spirit at the age of 4 and how it led him to understand the nature of disease and its mystery causes.

Anthony William
The Secret Reason You Get Sick

In this exclusive video lesson from Anthony William you’ll learn:

  • Why autoimmune disease is a dangerous myth.
  • An astonishing reason to avoid eggs, dairy and corn (it’s not what you think).
  • How to get to the real root of your illness so you can finally get well.
  • Why fatigue is not your fault and what to do to reverse it…and much more!
You can also watch these free previews of actual Summit lessons before the Hay House HEAL Summit begins:

Programming Your Mind for Remarkable Recovery
Dr. Joe Dispenza
What Your Disease Is Trying to Teach You
Joan Borysenko, Ph.D.
How Authenticity Heals You
Anita Moorjani
Here is the schedule by day:
Day 1: Healing Your Brain
July 25
Dr. Joe Dispenza
Programming Your Mind for Remarkable Recovery

Kelly Brogan, M.D.
Using Natural Remedies to Heal Mental Illness
Dr. Jeffrey Thompson, D.C., B.F.A.
How to Use Sound to Boost Healing
Day 2: Healing Your Heart
July 26
Gregg Braden
Harmonizing Your Heart and Brain to Create Healing

Joan Borysenko, Ph.D.
What Your Disease Is Trying to Teach You
Day 3: Healing Your Gut
July 27
Anthony William
The Mystery Viruses Wreaking Havoc on Your Body


Dr. Mark Emerson
Eat This if You Want to Be Well

Day 4: Healing Your Genes
July 28
Bruce Lipton, Ph.D.
Why Your Genes Aren't Making You Sick

David Hamilton, Ph.D.
How Kindness Fuels Healing
Day 5: Healing Your Past
July 29
Bernie Siegel, M.D.
Resolving Guilt, Shame and Blame to Heal Your Body

Dr. Darren Weissman
Using Your Body's Wisdom to Uncover the Root of Disease
Peter Crone
Living Beyond Your Story of Suffering
Day 6: Healing Your Spirit
July 30
Marianne Williamson
Using Miracles to Heal Yourself

Michael Bernard Beckwith
Healing the Body with Affirmative Prayer                    
Rob Wergin
Rapidly Heal Your Body with Energy Work
Day 7: Healing Spontaneously
July 31
Deepak Chopra, M.D.
Creating A Body That Heals Itself

Kelly Turner, Ph.D.
9 Essential Factors of Spontaneous Remission
Anita Moorjani
How Authenticity Heals You

View the Schedule Here »
Own The Heal Summit For As Low As $77
Save $22 when you purchase before the Summit begins

If there’s a chance you won’t be able to listen to the full Summit, but you want to make sure you have it available for reference as you continue your healing journey, you can purchase all 18 lessons for as low as $77. This early bird price ends when the Summit begins on July 25.  

Plus – you'll receive over $500 in bonus gifts to help you stay healthy, head-to-soul, all year round.
Author Pic
Gift #1 - Making Your Mind Matter Online Video Course
with Dr. Joe Dispenza
(a $499 value)

If you’re ready to create a new future, go beyond your emotional addictions and negative emotional states to heal your health and magnetize all you desire in your life, this course is the answer to all you’ve ever questioned about what is truly possible for you in this life!

This course will help you:
  • Break unwanted emotional reactions and patterns.
  • Learn to send out magnetic charges to attract what you want.
  • Rewire your brain to create a new personality and a new personal reality.
  • Learn how to access your subconscious mind to heal yourself and create the reality you desire.
Author Pic
Gift #2- Medical Medium Audiobook
by Anthony William
(a $39.99 value)

Medical Medium is a guidebook for those seeking the secret to a longer, healthier life.

It will teach you:
  • The root causes of diseases and conditions that medical communities either misunderstand or struggle to understand at all.
  • All-natural solutions for dozens of the illnesses that plague us, including Lyme disease, fibromyalgia, adrenal fatigue, hormonal imbalances, Hashimoto’s disease, multiple sclerosis, depression, neurological conditions, chronic inflammation, autoimmune disease, blood sugar imbalances, colitis and other digestive disorders, and more.
  • Solutions to restore your soul and spirit after illness has torn at your emotional fabric.

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