10 Concise Reasons to Remember the Sabbath

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10 Concise Reasons to Remember the Sabbath
Barry York

Having enjoyed yesterday another Sabbath, where my soul was rejuvenated and my heart made glad, I thought I would encourage you with ten concise reasons (five coming from the Old Testament and five from the New) as to why you should honor the Lord's Day.

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10 Lessons Dads with Daughters Need to Learn Right Now
Meg Meeker

Being a hero to your daughter sounds daunting, but it can be easy. Protecting her and teaching her doesn't require a degree in psychology. It just means being a dad.

7 More Great Christian Movies on Netflix
Michael Foust

It's easy to find R-rated movies on the major streaming platforms. It's much harder, though, to find family-friendly films – much less explicitly Christian ones.

But we've done the hard work for you. Netflix has several dozen Christian films – from popular box-office hits to ones you've likely never seen. You can watch most of them with the whole family (or, minimally, with tweens and up).

10 Signs You Married the Wrong Person
Meg Bucher

To determine whether we are enduring the difficult reality of married life, or the consequences of bad decision-making skills, we must seek God's counsel. Beyond daily prayer and study of the Word, professional counsel should be considered whenever a question regarding the stability of a marriage arises. Christian counselors are people are put in place as the healing hands of Jesus here on earth.

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