Why Did God Destroy Sodom and Gomorrah? Their Story of Sin in the Bible

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Why Did God Destroy Sodom and Gomorrah? Their Story of Sin in the Bible
Christianity.com Editorial Staff

The sinful ways of Sodom and Gomorrah were so outrageous that God destroyed the two cities with fire sparing only the family of Lot.

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The Top 10 Hymns (and How They Were Inspired)
Alice William

"What a Friend:" The words of this hymn help us find solace in the fact that whatever trials and troubles come our way, we can always find a friend in Jesus. All we need is a simple prayer.

7 Types of Forgotten Singles and How to Include Them
Hope Bolinger

Even if a church gives a nod to "the singles" in a sermon or in a group, they'll often blip over the following types of singles outlined below. Let's be intentional about celebrating these groups of singles!

Our Top 10 Mistakes in 50 Years of Marriage
Joe McKeever

The popular thing to write on one's 50th anniversary is a glowing tribute to one's spouse in admiration for her patience and perseverance, but I know also that few would benefit from reading that. What interests people and benefits other marriages is learning from our mistakes.

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