10 Weird Animal Stories of the Bible

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10 Weird Animal Stories of the Bible
Molly Parker

If there's one thing the Bible isn't short on, it's weird animal stories. Such tales include Noah's Ark, Jonah and the whale, and Daniel in the lion's den—well-known narratives that point to an incredibly creative God who uses whatever He desires to bring about His will.

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Is the Trinity a Biblical Doctrine?
William Edgar

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What is the Gift of the Spirit of Discernment and How Can Prayer Help?
Cindi McMenamin

God, please give me an understanding heart and a sensitivity to Your ways. Help me to distinguish between the truth of Your Word and the lies of this world. May Your gentle warnings be louder in my ears than the enemy's empty threats.

What is God's Favor and How Do We Get It?
Cindi McMenamin

God doesn't have favorites…right? That would seem impartial or unfair. And yet, look through Scripture and you'll find ordinary people whom God chose to get up close and personal with. They were individuals whom God used in a particularly powerful way and they clearly had His anointing, protection, and extraordinary blessings.

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