10 Ways to Sabotage Your Marriage (Without Realizing It)

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10 Ways to Sabotage Your Marriage (Without Realizing It)
May Patterson

While nobody sets out to sabotage their marriage, it's not that hard to do. And often, we may not realize that we're doing any damage at all—until it's too late. Here are ten ways to sabotage your marriage that I've learned to avoid.

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10 Things God Wants More Than Our Success
Cindi McMenamin

Sure, God wants us to succeed. But God's definition of success is often different than ours.

7 Encouraging Psalms to Help Battle Depression
Micah Maddox

Depression is not something that magically disappears when you slap a band aid on it. Sometimes the last thing you want to hear is another Bible verse or encouraging word. Psalms puts words to the hardest seasons of life when it’s hard to find words to pray.

10 Things Satan Can't Do
Jennifer Heeren

If Satan can steal, kill, and destroy, how can I overcome him? He can steal the word and God's promises right out of my head, leaving me with no way to fight. He can cause tragic situations to happen and even kill me. He can destroy relationships and things that I cherish. What can I do?

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