10 Reasons Your Grandkids Need You Just As Much as Their Parents

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10 Reasons Your Grandkids Need You Just As Much as Their Parents
DiAne Gates

Nineteen years ago, our daughter died. This left a five-year-old girl and a seven-month-old boy motherless. Papa and I became instant parents and grandparents. In my experience of raising my grandchildren, I have found that my generation has much to offer our children and grandchildren as they navigate this world, helping them fulfill God’s plan for their lives. 

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Are Christians Breaking Up with the Bible?
Kathy Howard

God is not surprised by the American Christian's strained relationship with His Word. But to those of us who will listen, He calls us to something better. Even if others turn away from the Truth, here's how we can stand firm on God's eternal Word.

Is Your Spouse Really as Bad as You Think He Is?
Dr. David B. Hawkins

You've got to flip things around in your mind and remember why you are with your mate. Hard to do but certainly not impossible.

9 Things Adult Daughters Want Their Moms to Know
Gaye Clark and Anna Clark Wiggins

When my daughter, Anna, was a senior in college, I asked her to make me a list of things a mother needs to know about her adult daughter. She and her friends crowded around a lunch table, and with notebook pad in hand, Anna scribbled down their replies. Here is what they had to say.

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