5 Subtle Ways the Demons from Our Past Are Controlling Us

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5 Subtle Ways the Demons from Our Past Are Controlling Us
Francine Rivers

We all live through trouble and painful experiences, some far worse than others. If we dwell on those things, we make ourselves captives.

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Who Are the Gypsies and What Do They Believe?
Dolores Smyth

"Gypsy" is often considered derogatory as it connotes illegal behavior and a wandering lifestyle, instead of an identifier for a race of people: the Romani. Christians should respond to the Romani as we would any other child of God—doing unto others as you'd have done unto you (Luke 6:31).

How to Not Bumble the Start of Your Sermon
Joe McKeever

Pastors can be notorious for digging ourselves into a hole at the start of the sermon, unwittingly making God's message an uphill struggle. If you've moved your starting line five yards behind where the congregation had placed it, the question then becomes: What to do?

5 Signs the Man You're Dating is Not Your Future Spouse
Janet Eckles

How different our lives would have been if we only had the wisdom to heed these signs

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