10 Things God’s Voice Will Never Say to You

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10 Things God's Voice Will Never Say to You
Aretha Grant

When I was a new Christian, hearing and knowing God’s voice were the two things I struggled the most with. We can grow to learn and discern God’s voice by studying the Holy Scriptures, praying, and asking God to teach us. To help us more correctly discern His voice, here are ten things God’s voice will never say to us.

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Morning Prayers for Peace of Mind
Compiled & Edited by Crosswalk Editorial Staff

Use these prayers to give your worries and cares to the Lord and find peace in His everlasting love for us.

Why We Need to Find Victory in God Not Government
Jason Soroski

Over time, our morals, convictions, and values have deteriorated with each passing year regardless of who sits in the White House. Things that were once accepted moral knowledge have been twisted and distorted by a society antagonistic toward God and godly people. Does the White House really determine whether we live in a 'godly' nation, or as believers, should we be focused on something more eternal?

8 Signs Your Marriage Needs You to Be Less Busy
Cindi McMenamin

Whether it's you or your spouse who needs to be less busy (and I'm guessing it's both of you), we all could use ways to improve our marriage, family, and spiritual life which inevitably happens when we become less stressed. Here are 8 signs your marriage needs you to be less busy:.

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