Verse of the Day - NIV - Saturday, April 17, 2021 Logo
NIV Verse of the Day
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Verse of the Day

April 17

Isaiah 1:18

18 "Come now, let us settle the matter," says the LORD. "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.

Being Salty - Crosswalk the Devotional - April 17

What Christian hasn't proclaimed brightly: "We're salt and light!"? And yet, do we really think about the significance of that imagery?

Should I Attend a Gay Wedding?
Dr. Roger Barrier

I've loved my niece her whole life and care about her partner. If I attend their marriage, however, I feel I'm lying by showing support for an unholy union. And if I don't attend, future relations may be forever damaged. Please help us sort this out.



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